A very simple Single Page App eCommerce solution for Django
Requires Python3 and Postgresql
Go into the frontend/ directory
Install required Node packages:
$ npm install
Build the front end
$ npm run build
This will put the new files in the static directory of the shoestring app.
Install package and requirements:
$ pipenv
$ pip install shoestring/requirements.txt
Start a Django project:
$ django-admin startproject shop
$ cd shop
Add shoestring apps to INSTALLED_APPS
$ vi shop/settings.py
Update the database settings:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': 'shoestring',
Use our User model:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'accounts.User'
Add default easy-thumbnails settings:
'': {
'product-list': {
'size': (90, 120),
'upscale': True,
'crop': 'auto'
Hook in the urls:
$ vi shop/urls.py
path('shop/', include(('shoestring.urls', 'shoestring'), namespace='shoestring')),
Prime the database
$ ./manage.py migrate
$ ./manage.py runserver