Notes on Running a Virtual Workshop

Reference 4 (Added April 17) is a 30 page ACM guide written in the early COVID era.


Consider stretching the workshop. For example, do we want a full day or to try a few hours per day over a few days? (“By spacing out the learning over a longer period, there is a much greater chance that your attendees will have the opportunity to digest, review, reflect, and apply what they learn” see point 9)

Messaging that covers

  • Have to address the social strangeness
  • Video online is hard to stay focused
  • We’re going to stretch it out
  • Tradeoff: more dropoff within the week, but keeps ideas in mind

Software and Technology

Prepare Speakers

  • Train: This is how to present & lead a discussion effectively via video
  • Test: Ensure that everyone has tested their setup before the day of
  • Don’t be on slack while you present - moderators will select and pull stuff for you
  • Clarify time per session (minutes per X on agenda)

Prepare Attendees

  • Set norms (including that everyone’s on video for the full event? Many comment that this helps focus).
  • Prepare: Software installed and working in the setup you’ll be using.
    • Do you have bandwidth for everyone working from home?
    • Do you have water or coffee handy?
  • Side channel expectations - use discussion platform extensively?


Norms and Expectations

  • Be explicit that this a new experience for most of us
  • Regularly repeat and reinforce norms
  • Conference Call bingo cards
  • Icebreakers? (See point 4)
  • Be explicit about length of breaks - "we'll reconvene at the top of the hour", not "we'll take a few minute break."

Have a tech support plan

Virtual Hallway Con

  • Make time for this
  • Emphasize that people can up use of the discussion platform
  • Ask that people spend time in the virtual hallway, assume goodwill and try to make it work

Interesting/Thought Provoking/References

  6. (Gene Kim, May 2020)