
:fast_forward: Simple HTTP Error Page Generator

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Simple HttpErrorPages

Simple HTTP Error Page Generator. Create a bunch of custom error pages - suitable to use with Lighttpd, Nginx, Apache-Httpd or any other Webserver.




Just clone/download the git repository or use the prebuild packages (only the generated html files are included)

Download Prebuild Packages (Pages only)

Direct Download


# TAR Archive
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndiDittrich/HttpErrorPages/master/dist/pages.tar

# ZIP Archive
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndiDittrich/HttpErrorPages/master/dist/pages.zip

NGINX Integration

NGINX supports custom error-pages using multiple error_page directives.

File: default.conf

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into /var/www/ErrorPages/.

# add one directive for each http status code
error_page 400 /ErrorPages/HTTP400.html;
error_page 401 /ErrorPages/HTTP401.html;
error_page 402 /ErrorPages/HTTP402.html;
error_page 403 /ErrorPages/HTTP403.html;
error_page 404 /ErrorPages/HTTP404.html;
error_page 500 /ErrorPages/HTTP500.html;
error_page 501 /ErrorPages/HTTP501.html;
error_page 502 /ErrorPages/HTTP502.html;
error_page 503 /ErrorPages/HTTP503.html;

# redirect the virtual ErrorPages path the real path
location /ErrorPages/ {
    alias /var/www/ErrorPages/;

expressjs Integration

HttpErrorPages are available as NPM-Package - just install http-error-pages via npm/yarn

npm install http-error-pages --save


var _express = require('express');
var _webapp = _express();
var _httpErrorPages = require('http-error-pages');

// demo handler
_webapp.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.type('.txt').send('HttpErrorPages Demo');

// throw an 403 error
_webapp.get('/my403error', function(req, res, next){
    var myError = new Error();
    myError.status = 403;

// use http error pages handler (final statement!)

// start service

Apache Httpd Integration

Apache Httpd 2.x supports custom error-pages using multiple ErrorDocument directives.

File: httpd.conf or .htaccess

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into your document root /var/www/...docroot../ErrorPages.

ErrorDocument 400 /ErrorPages/HTTP400.html
ErrorDocument 401 /ErrorPages/HTTP401.html
ErrorDocument 403 /ErrorPages/HTTP403.html
ErrorDocument 404 /ErrorPages/HTTP404.html
ErrorDocument 500 /ErrorPages/HTTP500.html
ErrorDocument 501 /ErrorPages/HTTP501.html
ErrorDocument 502 /ErrorPages/HTTP502.html
ErrorDocument 503 /ErrorPages/HTTP503.html

Lighttpd Integration

Lighttpd supports custom error-pages using the server.errorfile-prefix directive.

File: lighttpd.conf

Example - assumes HttpErrorPages are located into /var/www/ErrorPages/.

server.errorfile-prefix = "/var/www/ErrorPages/HTTP"


To customize the pages, you can edit the template.phtml file and add your own styles. Finally run the generator-script. If you wan't to add custom pages/additional error-codes, just put a new entry into the pages.php file. The generator-script will process each entry and generates an own page.

Custom Page Example (pages.php)

Custom Error-Codes used by e.g. CloudFlare

// webserver origin error
'520' => array(
    'title' => 'Origin Error - Unknown Host',
    'message' => 'The requested hostname is not routed. Use only hostnames to access resources.'

// webserver down error
'521' => array (
    'title' => 'Webservice currently unavailable',
    'message' => "We've got some trouble with our backend upstream cluster.\nOur service team has been dispatched to bring it back online."


Used Naming-Scheme: HTTP#CODE#.html (customizable by editing the config.ini) To generate the static html pages, run the generator.php script:

php generator.php

All generated html files are located into the dist/ directory by default.

Compile LESS Files

To rebuild the LESS files run the ANT build script (requires lessc in your path):

ant css


It's possible to change the basic configuration without modifying the generator script. Just change the following variables within the config.ini.

You can also specify a custom configuration file by passing it as first argument to the generator script php generator.php path/myconfig.ini



; Output Filename Scheme - eg. HTTP500.html

; Output dir path

; Footer content (HTML Allowed)
footer = "Technical Contact: <a href="mailto:x@example.com">x@example.com</a>"


HttpErrorsPages is OpenSource and licensed under the Terms of The MIT License (X11) - your're welcome to contribute