FitLit App

This project is a fit-bit like application that utilizes a dataset of 50 people and records their Sleep, Activity, Hydration, and Personal data, then displays them on a website.


Clone the repo. Run npm install to ensure all dependencies are running. Enjoy!


There are tests for all classes and functionality.

Run npm install to set up any dependencies that the tests may be utilizing.

Run tests by running npm tests.

Original Project Prompt


  • Follow the specification below to make a working application
  • Implement ES6 classes that communicate to each other as needed
  • Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)
  • Implement a robust testing suite using TDD
  • Use object and array prototype methods to perform data manipulation
  • Display information on the page while maintaining ability to test class properties and methods
  • Create a data dashboard that is easy to use and displays information in a clear way


Created By

Ayla Dharamsey & Pol Antoni Sieira