
Vanilla REST API coded with NodeJS - no external libraries allowed

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting started

  1. Clone me
  2. Don't bother running npm install - there are no dependencies of any sort
  3. If you're on a Mac, run npm test if you want to see the Testing Framework I put together do its magic. The command doesn't work on Windows. You can run the individual *.spec.js files individually if you'd like (node path/to/file.spec.js).
  4. You may need to install the _secure/keys/cert.pem to your browser or REST client in order for it to accept the insecure SSL connection. If you need to fiddle with the certificate at all, it's not password protected.
    1. Also, you may need to visit a route like GET /api/users and tell your browser that you accept the security risk before your REST client behaves.
      • Using Advanced REST Client for Chrome, you'll need to do this as well as toggle on the "Use XHR" option. If it asks you to install the cookie extension, you'll need to do that as well.
  5. Run npm start to start up the server. Port :4242 needs to be open.
  6. Once started, you should be able to hit the following endpoints, given that all URLs are relative to "https://localhost:4242" (https, not http).
  7. Try playing with invalid URLs too... Method Not Allowed, Not Found etc should work as well.

REST endpoints finished so far:

User Create

POST /api/users

With payload of:

   "username": "adamski",
   "password": "password"

Note: The user above already exists and you may use this account if you do not wish to create your own.

User Login

POST /api/users/login

With payload of:

   "username": "adamski",
   "password": "password"

User Logout

DELETE /api/users/login

No payload necessary (uses session cookie)

Configuration Read (all) (must be authenticated)

GET /api/configurations

Configuration Create (must be authenticated)

POST /api/configurations

With payload of:

       "name" : "host1",
       "hostname" : "nessus-ntp.lab.com",
       "port" : 1241,
       "username" : "toto"

(name must be unique)

Configuration Update (must be authenticated)

PUT /api/configurations

With payload of:

       "name" : "host1",
       "hostname" : "nessus-ntp.lab.com",
       "port" : 1241,
       "username" : "toto"

(name must match an existing Configuration)

Configuration Delete (must be authenticated)

DELETE /api/configurations With payload of:

       "name" : "host1"

Problem Statement:

Authentication (complete)

Using Node.js (and Node.js only) create a REST compliant API with routes that allow a user to:

  1. Login
  2. Logout

Configurations (complete)

Building on the previous question, using Node.js (and Node.js only) create a REST compliant API with routes that allow an authenticated user to:

  1. Retrieve server configurations as JSON data​ (using the below as a sample)
  2. Create configurations
  3. Delete configurations
  4. Modify configurations

Use the following data as a guide for your records:

  "configurations" : [
        "name" : "host1",
        "hostname" : "nessus-ntp.lab.com",
        "port" : 1241,
        "username" : "toto"
        "name" : "host2",
        "hostname" : "nessus-xml.lab.com",
        "port" : 3384,
        "username" : "admin"

Sorting (complete)

Building on the previous question, using Node.js (and Node.js only) modify your REST compliant API routes to support:

  1. Sorting by name, hostname, port, or username
  2. Pagination (you will need to randomize and expand the configurations for this)