
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

My Ubuntu+i3wm reinstall checklist


  • terminator
    • use config from git
    • set Source Code Pro Regular 10
  • zsh
    • install zsh (synaptic)
    • chsh -s `which zsh`
      • or add in .bashrc
        • zsh
    • https://ohmyz.sh/
    • check .zshrc and modify it if needed (there are nice comments)
    • add bin and other paths ONLY TO .profile
      • if not, dmenu_run will not work (probably because .bashrc and .zshrc are only for interactive shells)
  • make bin directory
    • all symlinks to apps that are not in git/configs/bin
    • make sure needed command from bin are working with i3 launcher
      • not sure how to make it. adding to .bashrc will do the job in the end.
  • ssh



  • Emacs ‘adwaita’ theme
  • hsetroot, i3lock background: “#ededed”
  • terminator ‘adwaita’ profile from config (for permanent profile choice Preferences -> Layouts -> Terminal child1)
  • i3-style ‘okraits’ or ‘base16-tomorrow’


  • Emacs ‘heroku’ theme
  • hsetroot, i3lock background: “#3f464c”
  • terminator ‘heroku’ profile from config (for permanent profile choice Preferences -> Layouts -> Terminal child1)
  • i3-style ‘base16-tomorrow’
    i3-style.x86_64 base16-tomorrow  -o ~/.config/i3/config --reload
    bar {
      colors {
        separator #969896
        background #1d1f21
        statusline #c5c8c6
        focused_workspace #81a2be #81a2be #1d1f21 #282828
        active_workspace #373b41 #373b41 #ffffff #928374
        inactive_workspace #282a2e #282a2e #969896 #928374
        urgent_workspace #cc6666 #cc6666 #ffffff #ebdbb2
    client.focused #81a2be #81a2be #1d1f21 #282a2e
    client.focused_inactive #373b41 #373b41 #969896 #282a2e
    client.unfocused #282a2e #282a2e #969896 #282a2e
    client.urgent #373b41 #cc6666 #ffffff #cc6666