
Rock Paper Scissors Dapp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rock Paper Scissors


  1. Node
  2. Ganache & Metamask
  3. Truffle

Building and the frontend

  1. Open Ganache
  2. Point Metamask to your local network http://localhost:8545
  3. Import an account generated by Ganache into Metamask
  4. Clone project at https://github.com/adamsoffer/rock-paper-scissors
  5. Inside the project root run truffle compile, then run truffle migrate to deploy the contracts to the local network.
  6. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  7. Run npm run build and then npm start to build the app and serve it on http://localhost:3000


  1. run npm run test

Common Errors

  • Error: Can't resolve '../build/contracts/RockPaperScissors.json'

This means you haven't compiled or migrated your contracts yet. Run truffle compile and truffle migrate first.