
Primary LanguageHTML

PDF Form Generation Demo


  • Vite for dev server and building
  • Tailwind CSS, with some help from Tailwind UI
  • Alpine.js
  • Deployed via Github Pages


  • pipenv
  • AWS Python Lambda
  • pdfkit, Jinja2, and wkhtmltopdf for rendering and pdf generation
  • AWS Chalice serverless framework for super quick REST API

Disclaimers and Confessions

  • I'm a sucker for extra credit, so I spent too much time on styling, and I was determined to deploy it from the start.
  • I knew a serverless function was how I wanted to do the pdf part, but this was my first time using Chalice.
  • Because the repo is monolithic, I had to do some wild git stuff to get the frontend deployed.
  • I didn't bother with a local version of the backend -- it would have required running things in a container, and it felt simpler to just deploy and tweak the lambda.

If I had more time, I would:

  • add some error handling and validation
  • get the whole thing running locally
  • add some tests (but really, who are we kidding)
  • make the pdf look better