Adam - Analyzing Distributed Asynchronous Models
Contains all repositories necessary for the tool Adam & its subtools AdamMC & AdamSYNT for the model checking & synthesis of distributed systems with data flows
Pinned Repositories
The complete command-line tool Adam with the model checker and the synthesizer for distributed systems. Contains the modules: adam. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, ui, adammc, examples, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line, server-command-line-protocol, webinterface-backend, adamsynt.
The command-line tool AdamMC for model checking Petri nets with transits against Flow-LTL and Flow-CTL. Contains the packages: adammc. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, logics, modelchecker, ui.
The command-line tool AdamSYNT for the synthesis of distributed systems modeled as Petri games with transits. Contains the modules: adamsynt. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line-protocol, ui.
Contains APT-files of Petri nets with transits and Petri games with transits which can be used with AdamMC and AdamSYNT.
The general framework for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT) providing, e.g., data structures for automata, circuits, and Petri nets with transits. Contain the packages: tools, petrinetWithTransits. Depends on the repos: libs, examples.
The framework for the synthesis of distributed systems modeled with high-level Petri games. Contains the packages: highLevel. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer.
Contains all necessary libraries for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT).
The framework for the logics with, e.g., datastructures, parsers, and tools for LTL, CTL, Flow-LTL, Flow-CTL. Contains the packages: logics. Depends on the repos: libs, framework.
The common framework for the command-line interface for AdamMC and AdamSYNT. Contains also the protocol for the communication with the command-line server. Contains packages: ui. Depends on repos: libs, framework.
The web interface for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT) providing an intuitive, visual definition of Petri nets with transits and Petri games, and an interactive interface to the algorithms of AdamMC and AdamSYNT. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, examples, synthesizer, high-level, webinterface-backend.
Adam - Analyzing Distributed Asynchronous Models's Repositories
The web interface for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT) providing an intuitive, visual definition of Petri nets with transits and Petri games, and an interactive interface to the algorithms of AdamMC and AdamSYNT. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, examples, synthesizer, high-level, webinterface-backend.
The complete command-line tool Adam with the model checker and the synthesizer for distributed systems. Contains the modules: adam. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, ui, adammc, examples, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line, server-command-line-protocol, webinterface-backend, adamsynt.
The command-line tool AdamMC for model checking Petri nets with transits against Flow-LTL and Flow-CTL. Contains the packages: adammc. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, logics, modelchecker, ui.
The command-line tool AdamSYNT for the synthesis of distributed systems modeled as Petri games with transits. Contains the modules: adamsynt. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer, boundedSynthesis, high-level, server-command-line-protocol, ui.
Bounded synthesis algorithms for solving Petri games with transits. Contains the packages: boundedalgorithms. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer.
Contains APT-files of Petri nets with transits and Petri games with transits which can be used with AdamMC and AdamSYNT.
The general framework for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT) providing, e.g., data structures for automata, circuits, and Petri nets with transits. Contain the packages: tools, petrinetWithTransits. Depends on the repos: libs, examples.
The framework for the synthesis of distributed systems modeled with high-level Petri games. Contains the packages: highLevel. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer.
Contains all necessary libraries for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT).
The framework for the logics with, e.g., datastructures, parsers, and tools for LTL, CTL, Flow-LTL, Flow-CTL. Contains the packages: logics. Depends on the repos: libs, framework.
Synthesis algorithms for Petri games with one environment and an arbitrary number of system players. Contains the packages: synthesisDistrEnv. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer.
The common framework for the command-line interface for AdamMC and AdamSYNT. Contains also the protocol for the communication with the command-line server. Contains packages: ui. Depends on repos: libs, framework.
The framework for model checking Petri nets with transits against Flow-LTL and Flow-CTL. Contains the packages: modelchecking. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, logics.
The protocol for the server (located in repo: server-command-line) of the command-line user interface of AdamSYNT. Contains the module: server-protocol. Depends on the repos: libs, framework, synthesizer.
The framework for the synthesis of distributed systems modeled with Petri games with transits. Contains the packages: petrigames, bddapproach, mtbddapproach. Depends on the repos: libs, framework.
The framework to create the back end jar of Adam containing the model checker and the synthesizer for the web interface in repository: webinterface. Contains the packages: webinterface-backend. Depends on repos: libs, framework, logics, modelchecker, synthesizer.