
Class: CSE 3330 Semester: Fall 2016 Student Name: Hudson, Adam, avh1758 Student ID: 1000991758

Instructions to run on OMEGA: My project on omega is located in /cse3330_DB/project4/ Need to change the classpath for java with: $ export set CLASSPATH=.:~/cse3330_DB/project4/mysql-connector-java.jar:$CLASSPATH To do this run: $source update-path.sh

To compile: 	$javac [filename].java
To run: 		$java [filename]

My code for problem 1 is stored in "part1.java" and the code for problem 2 is in "part2.java". I used the test.java from blackboad to solve these problems.

The backbone of the java program was provided by the TA. I have written the logic for the SQL statements and the rest of the code was written my me, Adam Hudson.