Repository of my internship in the City of Amsterdam. First objective is obtaining bounding boxes around poles objects located in point clouds.

Primary LanguagePython

PC_BB: Pole Detection in Point Clouds

Welcome to the PC_BB repository! This project is part of an internship with the City of Amsterdam, with a primary goal of modelling light illumination in a 3D model of Amsterdam!

Getting Started with Python and Blender API

Installation of Blender Software

  1. Download Blender: Visit Blender's official website and download Blender 4.0.

Configuring Blender in System Path

  1. Set Blender as a PATH variable:
    • Navigate to the Blender Foundation folder, typically located in "Program Files" or your chosen installation directory.
    • Find the blender.exe executable, usually found at a path similar to C://...//Blender Foundation\Blender 4.0.
    • Add this path to your system's PATH environment variable for easy access.

Collada File Preparation

  1. Download Collada Cube:
    • Visit 3D Amsterdam and download a Collada cube.
    • Move the downloaded cube into the dataset/dae folder in your project directory.

Installing Pandas in Blender

  1. Integrate Pandas with Blender:
    • Launch Blender and navigate to the Scripting menu.
    • Run the following script in the Python Console:
      import sys
    • Open a command prompt or terminal.
    • Use the Blender Python executable path obtained from the previous step to install Pandas:
      "C:\path\to\blender\python.exe" -m ensurepip
      "C:\path\to\blender\python.exe" -m pip install pandas
      "C:\path\to\blender\python.exe" -m pip install openpyxl

Running the Processing Script

  1. Execute Processing Script:
    • Now you can run the blender_functions/processing_blender.py script.
    • Open a command prompt and run :
      blender --background --python blender_functions/processing_blender.py
    • Ensure all dependencies and paths are correctly set for a smooth execution.


Special thanks to the City of Amsterdam for their support and collaboration in this internship project.