Driving Videos

FFmpeg Concatenate


Build file with file names to concatenate

find /Volumes/photos_drive/driving -name "*MP4" > driving_files.txt

See if all file names are uniq

cat driving_files.txt  | cut -d'/' -f6 |wc -l

cat driving_files.txt  | cut -d'/' -f6 | sort | uniq | wc -l

Get list of duplicates

cat driving_viles.txt  | cut -d'/' -f6 | sort | uniq -d > dupes.txt

Remove duplicate files

Docker freindly paths in driving file with file directive

cat driving_files.txt | sed -e 's/\/Volumes\/photos_drive/file \/tmp/' > driving_files_in_docker.txt

Docker check

# run shell to check mounts
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh -v=`pwd`:/tmp/work -v/Volumes/photos_drive/driving:/tmp/driving opencoconut/ffmpeg


docker run -v=`pwd`:/tmp/work -v/Volumes/photos_drive/driving:/tmp/driving opencoconut/ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i /tmp/work/driving_files_in_docker.txt -c copy /tmp/driving/concat.mp4

Decrease frame rate

docker run -v=`pwd`:/tmp/work -v/Volumes/photos_drive/driving:/tmp/driving opencoconut/ffmpeg -i /tmp/driving/concat.mp4 -r 15 /tmp/driving/concat_15fps.mp4

Scale frame size

docker run -v=`pwd`:/tmp/work -v/Volumes/photos_drive/driving:/tmp/driving opencoconut/ffmpeg -i /tmp/driving/concat.mp4 -vf scale=960:-1 /tmp/driving/concat_960.mp4

Create music loop

docker run -v=`pwd`:/tmp/work -v/Volumes/photos_drive/driving:/tmp/driving opencoconut/ffmpeg -lavfi "amovie=/tmp/work/shape_of_you_loop.wav:loop=81360" /tmp/work/loop_81360.wav