"Aggregation API in Ibexa DXP" developer webinar demo 

Source code of demos presented in "Aggregation API in Ibexa DXP" developer webinar. https://www.ibexa.co/forms/webinar-aggregation-api-in-ibexa-dxp.


  1. Please follow the Ibexa DXP installation instructions: https://doc.ibexa.co/en/latest/getting_started/install_ez_platform/
  2. Switch search engine to Solr or ElasticSearch. Please remember to rebuild search index: php bin/console ezplatform:reindex
  3. Generate demo data php bin/console ezplatform:aggregation-demo:create-data

Table of Contents

  1. Sandbox command (php bin/console ezplatform:aggregation-demo:sandbox)
  2. Repository metrics (php bin/console ezplatform:aggregation-demo:metrics)
  3. Product reviews page (
  4. Tag cloud (
  5. Faceted search (