
Tool for converting coffeescript to idiomatic javascript and JSX

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This tool is a swiss army knife for converting coffeescript files to javascript. It relies on several other tools to ease the conversion process and create idiomatic javascript and JSX.

  • cjsx-transform for adding jsx support to decaffeinate
  • decaffeinate converts coffeescript to idiomatic javascript
  • react-codemod for converting React.createElement calls back to JSX
  • prettier For final formatting and cleanup
  • ESLint Optional step to make resulting code match your own style conventions.

Learn more from our blog on converting our React codebase from CoffeeScript to ES6.


npm i -g depercolator


yarn global add depercolator


depercolate <file> [options]


  • -o, --output [filepath]: Change path of resulting file (defaults to same path as original with a different extension)
  • -e, --eslint-fix: Perform eslint --fix on resulting file (requires that eslint be present)
  • --skip-prettier: Do not reformat the file with prettier (default is false)

Decaffeinate options

Most options from decaffeinate can be passed through to the underlying command

  • --keep-commonjs: Do not convert require and module.exports to import and export
  • --prefer-const: Use const when possible in output code
  • --loose-default-params: Convert CS default params to JS default params.
  • --loose-for-expressions: Do not wrap expression loop targets in Array.from
  • --loose-for-of: Do not wrap JS for...of loop targets in Array.from
  • --loose-includes: Do not wrap in Array.from when converting in to includes
  • --allow-invalid-constructors: Don't error when constructors use this before super or omit the super call in a subclass.
  • --enable-babel-constructor-workaround: Use a hacky babel-specific workaround to allow this before super in constructors.

Prettier options

Most options from prettier can be passed through to the underlying command

  • --print-width <int>: Specify the length of line that the formatter will wrap on. Defaults to 80.
  • --tab-width <int>: Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level. Defaults to 2.
  • --use-tabs: Indent lines with tabs instead of spaces. Defaults to false.
  • --single-quote: Use single quotes instead of double.
  • --trailing-comma: Print trailing commas wherever possible.
  • --bracket-spacing: Put spaces between brackets. Defaults to true.
  • --jsx-bracket-same-line: Put > on the last line. Defaults to false.
  • --parser <flow|babylon>: Specify which parse to use. Defaults to babylon.