
This project is meant to automate the paving of TKG environments, including common extensions, in AWS. It utilizes TKG, Helm, and ArgoCD utilizing the App of Apps pattern



  • Fork this repo. Since this is your GitOps source of truth, you must fork rather than simply clone
  • Make a copy of vars.yaml.example named vars.yaml in the root directory of your repo.
  • Edit vars.yaml, providing configuration values that reflect your desired envornment.
  • Copy the vars.yaml file to the root of the S3 bucket you specfied in aws.bucket. Additionally, make sure that the S3 bucket has an access policy that allows your IAM instance profile R/W access. For example:
aws s3 cp vars.yaml s3://tkg-autopilot/vars.yaml
  • Additionally, edit the values.yaml file(s) in /cd/argo/mgmt, /cd/argo/workload1, and /cd/argo/workload2 to reflect your environment. This will drive the true GitOps worklfow. And value that has a comment of # This must be overridden does not need to be changed as this is a Secret that will be read from the params.yaml that is uploaded to the S3 bucket.
  • When you are ready to deploy execute the install script:
source ./scripts/

This will execute the following tasks:

  • Create an EC2 launch template. The details of the templace are stored in lt.yaml
  • Launch an instance using this template, named TKG Bootstrapper.
  • Tails the output of the bootstrapping log, which is found in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log on the instance.