Author: Jan Høydahl @ Cominvent AS
Collection of simple tools for Solr.
Bash script to upgrade an entire Solr index from 4.x or 5.x or 6.x or 7.x to 8.x so it can be read by Solr 6.x, Solr 7.x or Solr 8.x. See README
Simple command line tool to generate a password hash for security.json
mvn package
java -jar target/solr-tools-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar admin 123
Generating password hash for admin and salt 123:
HZtl83vopLyZfOpGedEQveAwvVdAQ1Ukr6dDJPEfs/w= MTIz
Example usage:
"credentials":{"myUser":"HZtl83vopLyZfOpGedEQveAwvVdAQ1Ukr6dDJPEfs/w= MTIz"}
All tools © Cominvent AS and licensed under the Apache License v2.0