Traclancer - Tracking App Based on Rails API


This is a time tracking application API built with Rails. The app associated with this API is built for freelancers where they can track the time spent on work. The App is also a freelancing platform where clients or individuals connect with skilled freelancers to conduct business.

Specification summary:

  • RESTful api.
  • Api versioning.
  • Booking app .
  • Patterns and good practices.
  • Users management.
  • Secret/token api key.
  • Rspec testing.
  • Setup scripts.
  • Postgres database.
  • Json serialization.

Quick start

  • Install ruby version 2.3.0 and set it with your ruby environment manager (more info here).

  • Install Postgres and start the PostgreSQL server in the foreground (more info here).

  • Clone the repository and get inside it:

git clone

cd traclancer_api
  • Create a postgres role to let rails manage the db:
rails db:create
  • Setup the gems and databases:
bundle install

rails db:migrate
  • Run tests:
  • Populate Database with data:
rails db:seed
  • That's it, lastly start the server!
rails s

Locally the system resouces can be accessed at the local base url




Authentication is performed using JSON Web Tokens. JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties. When the user successfully logs in using their credentials, a JSON Web Token will be returned, which should be kept by clients in local storage (no cookies):

Note Since there is no session information and every call to the REST API requires authentication. Whenever the user wants to access a protected route or resource, the user agent should send the JWT in the Authorization header using the Bearer schema:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

The following routes are available for authorization:

  • POST /api/v1/login
  • GET /api/v1/logout
  • POST /api/v1/registrations

Technology Used

  • Rails api
  • Postgres
  • Active model serializers
  • bcrypt
  • jwt

API Endpoints

API Endpoint Functionality
POST api/v1/registrations Register a new user
POST api/v1/login Login in a user
GET api/v1/logged_in/ Verify a user and gets user info
GET api/v1/logout Logout a user
GET api/v1/project_categories Fetch project categories and unclaimed projects count
GET api/v1/project_categories/:slug Fetch individual project category and associations
GET api/v1/projects/:id Fetch individual project and all associations
POST api/v1/projects Client creates a project
PUT api/v1/projects Updates project claimed status
GET api/v1/claimed_projects Fetch claimed projects of freelancer and associations
GET api/v1/claimed_projects/:id Fetch individual claimed project
POST api/v1/claimed_projects Freelancer claims a project
PUT api/v1/claimed_projects/:id Updates claimed project
GET api/v1/claimed_project_stats/:id Fetch claimed project stats
POST api/v1/claimed_project_stats/ Create claimed project stat and start time
PUT api/v1/claimed_project_stats/:id Update claimed project stats and stops time

Live Version

This is the link to the live preview in Heroku. Consist of the base URL - Traclancer Tracking App


MaryAnn Chukwuka