
Intelligent application for practicing map outlines.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An intelligent application for practicing geography.


Initial setup

Install pip

Install virtualenvwrapper

$ pip install virtualenvwrapper

Setup your local virtual environment:

mkvirtualenv geography workon geography

Install python dependencies

cd <path_to_your_local_git_repo>
pip install -r requirements.txt

It might require to install (with yum, apt-get or whatever) the following:

To setup database run

sudo -i -u postgres

and in the postgreSQL shell opened by psql command run

CREATE USER geography WITH PASSWORD 'geography';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "geography" to geography;

Add this line

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://geography:geography@localhost/geography



and run again

workon geography

apply migrations

./manage.py migrate

load flashcards data to db

./manage.py load_flashcards data/geography-flashcards.json

Install client dependencies

cd geography
npm install

On Ubuntu you might need also the following to make grunt work

sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy

When developing

Run the server on localhost:8000

cd <path_to_your_local_git_repo>
workon geography
./manage.py runserver 8000

In order to see the changes when editing client files (e.g. *.sass and *.js) you need to run also

cd  geography
grunt watch

Manage translations

To update translations on transifex.com/adaptive-learning/slepemapycz set up your ~/.transifexrc and use Transifex client

tx push -s

To pull translated stings

tx pull -a