Enhanced machine learning library tailored for data streams, featuring a Python API integrated with MOA backend support. This unique combination empowers users to leverage a wide array of existing algorithms efficiently while fostering the development of new methodologies in both Python and Java.
Jupyter NotebookBSD-3-Clause
- 9seaNational University of Defense Technology
- abifet
- alessiobernardo
- AlexPeixoto
- alitaghub
- Avelas
- CambellTWellington, New Zealand
- cassales
- cyrilou242StarTree
- dlspat
- fabriciojocGeorgia Institute of Technology
- fostaxWellington, New Zealand
- gabrieljaguiarRichmond, VA
- giacomeliCuritiba
- gzifferMilano, Italy
- heymarco
- hmgomes@Waikato
- IvaStival
- jchambydUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- jgavazzispThe Cooperative Bank
- justinuliuThe University of Waikato
- LeaCasseArtificial Institute
- leboiko
- liuyunxingshui
- martianunlimited
- michaelchiucwBaxall Construction Ltd
- Nemo-outisAustralia
- nlim-uow
- nuwangunasekara
- P-Schlumbom
- pomelo
- rafaelxl83
- raphischer@lamarr-institute
- SlaymishWellington, New Zealand
- tachyonicClock
- VitaoAlmeida