
.NET Software Development Kit for integrating your HARBARD API compatible traffic monitoring device into your application

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


.NET Software Development Kit for integrating your HARBARD API compatible traffic monitoring device into your application.
Provides high level classes and functions indentical to the ones defined in Harbard API documentation.

Compatible devices

  • Einar-5 from v2.3.0
  • Einar Gen 2 from v1.3.0
  • Carmen Box/Nano from v1.4.0
  • Enforce Box/Nano from v1.4.0
  • Lynet Gen 2 from v1.0.0

Using SDK

In order to use API functions one must aquire a device session through one of the following classes depending on the level of abstraction required.


The available methods are grouped into categories. Each category has a set of methods that can perform an action on the device or query the device for information.


Requirements: NewtonSoft.Json


Provides high level API functions divided into categories. Each category is represented by a class member.

  • Function names in each category are indentical to the ones defined in Harbard API documentation.
  • Every function has a synchronous and asynchronous version.
  • For each request and response structure related to an API method there is a matching C# class.
Members Description
SystemSession Methods that allow configuring general aspects of the device like name, time or user accounts
AnalyticsSession Methods for managing analytics engines, detectors and querying events
StorageSession Methods for managing the on-board storage and querying stored data


Providies low level functions to execute API methods

  • Request and response structures are represented by NewtonSoft JSON objects (JObjects).
Functions Description
executeCommand(category, method, data?) Executes an API method in a given category
data is expected JObject (for further details see Harbard API documentation)
executeCommandAsync(category, method, callback, data?) Asynchronous version of executeCommand that expects a callback
login() Provides SessionID for API calls in case of a successful login
Must be called before calling executeCommand
logout() Releases previously acquired SessionID


Aquire API session - Creating ApiSession with using statement takes care of login and logout

string address = "<ip>|<hostname>";
string username = "<device user>";
string password = "<device password>";

using(var apiSession = new ApiSession(address, username, password, /*port = 80, secureConnection = false*/))
    if(apiSession) //login succeeded, apiSession is valid, contains apiSession.Session.Id
        //your code here
    else if(apiSession.Session.LastError != null) //LastError check is for avoiding compile warning only
        //throw session.Session.LastError; OR
        Console.Error.WriteLine(apiSession.Session.LastError.exceptionClass + " : " + apiSession.Session.LastError.errorMessage);


Devices support multiple modes for acquiring emitted events.
Event fetching can either be live or from device strorage.

Live event stream

  • Contains event image and metadata
  • HTTP multipart stream
  • LiveEventStream class implements recieving events from live event stream.
using(var apiSession = new ApiSession(address, username, password, /*port = 80, secureConnection = false*/))
    if(apiSession) //login succeeded, apiSession is valid, contains apiSession.Session.Id
        using(LiveEventStream liveEventStream = new LiveEventStream(apiSession.Session, event_callback))
            liveEventStream.Run(); //blocks until connection is closed or returning false from event callback
    else if(apiSession.Session.LastError != null) //LastError check is for avoiding compile warning only
        //throw session.Session.LastError; OR
        Console.Error.WriteLine(apiSession.Session.LastError.exceptionClass + " : " + apiSession.Session.LastError.errorMessage);

Creating an event callback:


Running code in event_callback will not affect the flow of event stream

private static bool event_callback(EventPackage event_package)
    //If no events occure for a certain time a keepalive message will be sent by the device
    if (event_package.isKeepAlive)
        //your code here
        //It is a good place to decide to continue reading events or to stop.
        return true; //we decided to continue reading events

    //Check for event image
    if ((event_package.image != null) && (event_package.image.data != null))
        //your code here
        //event_package.image.data contains the event image binary
        //event_package.image.width, event_package.image.height holds the event image's dimensions
        //event_package.image.format holds the event image format
        File.WriteAllBytes("./" + event_package.image.imageId + "." + event_package.image.format, event_package.image.data);//we chose to save image to disc

    //Check for event metadata
    if (event_package.eventInfo != null)
        //We chose to print detector name : event ID : event time
        Console.WriteLine($"{event_package.eventInfo._Config._DisplayName} : {event_package.eventInfo._EventID} : {event_package.eventInfo._EventTime}");

        //your code here
        //event_package.eventInfo is an object of Event class that provides several event specializations
        //<EventType>? current_event = event_package.eventInfo.as<EventType>();

        //we chose to check if it is an ANPR type event and write some info to console
        EventANPR? anprEvent = event_package.eventInfo.asEventANPR();
        if(anprEvent != null) //this is an ANPR event
            if(anprEvent._EventInfo != null) //check is for avoiding compile warning only
                var event_info = anprEvent._EventInfo;
                Console.WriteLine($"LicensePlate: {event_info._Text}, Country: {event_info._Country}");
            //check for other event types
    return true;

Start LiveEventStream asynchronously


Avoid using statements in case of running LiveEventStream asynchronously

ApiSession apiSession = new ApiSession(address, username, password, /*port = 80, secureConnection = false*/);
LiveEventStream? liveEventStream = null;
    LiveEventStream liveEventStream = new LiveEventStream(apiSession.Session, event_callback);
    liveEventStream.RunAsync((Exception e)=>
        Console.WriteLine("Thread exception: {0}", e);
//... code ...
apiSession.Dispose(); // apiSession.Dispose must be called explicitly

Live event query

  • Contains metadata only
  • Based on polling events, makes multiple HTTP requests
  • HTTPS support
  • LiveEventQuery class implements polling events from live event query.
using(var apiSession = new Harbard.ApiSession(ip, username, password, port, false))
        LiveEventQuery liveEventQuery = new LiveEventQuery(apiSession.Analytics, anprCallback);
        liveEventQuery.Run(); //blocks until session/connection is closed or returning false from event callback
        if(session.Session.LastError != null)
        { Console.Error.WriteLine(apiSession.Session.LastError.exceptionClass + " : " + apiSession.Session.LastError.errorMessage); }

Creating an event callback:

    private static bool event_callback(BufferedEvents? buffered_events, ApiException? api_error)
        if (api_error != null)
            //some error occured
            return false;//stop receiving
        else if (buffered_events != null)
            //Printing number of events discarded since the start of buffering
            //See in Harbard API documentation
            Console.WriteLine($"Discarded events count: {buffered_events._DiscardedEvents}");

            foreach (var analyticsEvent in buffered_events._EventList)
                //We chose to print detector name : event ID : event time
                Console.WriteLine($"{analyticsEvent._Config._DisplayName} : {analyticsEvent._EventID} : {analyticsEvent._EventTime}");

                //analyticsEvent is an object of Event class that provides several event specializations
                //<EventType>? current_event = event_package.eventInfo.as<EventType>();

                //we chose to check if it is an ANPR type event and write some info to console
                EventANPR? anprEvent = analyticsEvent.asEventANPR();
                if (anprEvent != null) //this is an ANPR event
                    if (anprEvent._EventInfo != null) //check is for avoiding compile warning only
                        var event_info = anprEvent._EventInfo;
                        Console.WriteLine($"LicensePlate: {event_info._Text}, Country: {event_info._Country}");
                    //check for other event types
        return true;

Stored event query

  • Contains event image, event video and metadata
  • Requires storage device
  • StoredEventQuery class implements recieving a list of events from stored event query
using (var apiSession = new ApiSession(address, username, password, /*port = 80*/))
    if (apiSession) //login succeeded, apiSession is valid, contains apiSession.Session.Id
        StoredEventQuery storedEventQuery = new StoredEventQuery(apiSession.Storage, startTime, endTime);

        StorageEvents storageEvents = storedEventQuery.Run(); //runs once and returns with a list of events recorded in the given timeframe

        if(storageEvents._EventList != null) //check is for avoiding compile warning only
            foreach (var storageEvent in storageEvents._EventList)
                //We chose to print detector name : event ID : event time
                Console.WriteLine($"{storageEvent._Config._DisplayName} : {storageEvent._EventID} : {storageEvent._EventTime}");

                //Fetching relevant EventImage by calling the GetEventImage function:
                var image = storedEventQuery.GetEventImage(storageEvent);

                //your code here

                //we chose to save image to disk:
                if ((image != null) && (image.data != null)) //check is for avoiding compile warning only
                { File.WriteAllBytes("./" + storageEvent._EventID + "." + image.format, image.data); }

                //Fetching relevant EventVideo by calling the GetEventVideo function:
                var video = storedEventQuery.GetEventVideo(storageEvent);

                //your code here

                //we chose to save video to disk
                if ((video != null) && (video.data != null)) //check is for avoiding compile warning only
                { File.WriteAllBytes("./" + storageEvent._EventID + "." + video.format, video.data); }
    else if (apiSession.Session.LastError != null) //LastError check is for avoiding compile warning only
        //throw session.Session.LastError; OR
        Console.Error.WriteLine(apiSession.Session.LastError.exceptionClass + " : " + apiSession.Session.LastError.errorMessage);

Compiling SDK in VisualStudio 2022


You need to compile the HarbardSDK before using it

  1. Open HarbardSDK.csproj file and set configuration to Release. Then click on Build
    Release Build
  2. Then click on Build Solution
    Build Solution

This will create a dll file in the bin/Release by default.
You can use this dll file to Add HarbardSDK to your solution.

Compiling examples

Before being able to run the example programs you need to compile them with the same method used when Compiling the SDK.

  1. Open your chosen example program's .csproj file and set configuration to Release. Then click on Build
    Release Build
  2. Then click on Build Solution
    Build Solution

Now you are ready to run the example programs.

Adding HarbardSDK to a solution in VisualStudio 2022

Follow this quick guide to learn how to add HarbadSDK to your solution:


Adding HarbardSDK to a solution is only possible if it the SDK has already been compiled.
See Compiling SDK for more

  1. In VisualStudio 2022, go to the Solution Explorer and right-click on your csproject file
    Solution Explorer
  2. Then go to Add -> Project Reference
    Add Project Reference
  3. If you do not see the required dll file in the Reference Manager click on Browse...
    Reference Manager
  4. Find your HarbardSDK.dll file, select it and click Add
    Selecting the dll file
  5. After the HarbardSDK.dll file has been added to the Reference Manager click on OK
    Adding the HarbardSDK to the solution

Adding dependencies to a solution in VisualStudio 2022

NewtonSoft JSON


Adding NewtonSoft JSON to a solution is necessary for the HarbardSDK to work!

Follow this quick guide to learn how to add NewtonSoft JSON to your solution:

  1. In VisualStudio 2022, go to the Solution Explorer and right-click on your csproject file
    Solution Exprlorer
  2. Then click on Manage NuGet Packages...
    Manage NuGet Packages
  3. In the NuGet Package Manager search for Newtonsoft.Json under the Browse tab. Then click Install Install NewtonSoft NuGet package