
Maven2 to Gradle build converter

Primary LanguageGroovy

Important Note

This repo is obsolete and has been superseded by the Gradle Build Setup Plugin instead.

This tool obtains the effective pom of the current project, reads its dependencies and generates build.gradle scripts.

Features list:

  • Uses effective pom and effective settings (support for pom inheritance, dependency management, properties)
  • Supports both single module and multimodule projects
  • Generates settings.gradle for multimodule projects
  • Supports custom module names (that differ from directory names)
  • Generates general metadata - id, description and version
  • Applies maven, java and war plugins (as needed)
  • Supports packaging war projects as jars if needed
  • Generates dependencies (both external and inter-module)
  • Generates download repositories (inc. local maven repository)
  • Adjusts java compiler settings
  • Supports packaging of sources and tests
  • Supports testng runner
  • Generates global exclusions from Maven enforcer plugin settings

To do:

  • Generate deployment settings (with support to optional dependencies and provided scope in generated pom.xml)


  • Note: Current version only works with Gradle 1.0-RC-Milestone3
  • Note: Current version only works with Maven 3.0+ (see FAQ for the Maven 2 exception. Contribute a pull request if you can solve it.)
  • Option 1:
    • Download the latest jar from JFrog Artifactory repository
    • Put the jar into $GRADLE_HOME/lib
    • Put the batch files from sources bin directory into $GRADLE_HOME/bin
  • Option 2:
    • Run the gradle installScripts task which automatically copies the latest JAR and scripts into the aforementioned directories.


  • Run maven2gradle batch in the root of the converted project

Available options:

  • -verbose prints the obtained effective pom
  • -keepFile saves the obtained effective pom

Building from source:

  • Option 1:
    • If wishing to only build locally, there are no special requirements for building.
  • Option 2:
    • If wishing to deploy the resultant JAR and Source, you'll need a gradle.properties file, as described here: http://gradle.org/0.9-rc-3/docs/userguide/userguide_single.html#sec:repositories
    • Look at "Accessing password protected Maven repositories", example 33.24.
    • Create gradle.properties file in your ~.gradle and define USER and PASSWORD properties.
    • Trigger the use of this file and values by setting -Dupload=true on the command line invocation of the Gradle build.

Note: Your project will be considered multi-module only if your reactor is also a parent of at least one of your modules. Why so? Reactor project is built last, when Parent project is built first. I need reactor to be built first, because effective-pom Mojo generates needed output only if it founds modules in first project it encounters. Making reactor also a parent achieves this.

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