
Netlify Status

This is the git repository for Based on


Install Gridsome CLI to start run the project.

npm install -g @gridsome/cli


  • ESLint
npm install eslint eslint-plugin-gridsome vue-eslint-parser -D

./node_modules/.bin/eslint --fix --ext .vue --ext .js ./src/

Deploying the App

Click this button to deploy the app to the DigitalOcean App Platform.

Deploy to DO

Linting Markdown

We use markdownlint-cli to enforce style consistency rules on the documentation. The linter runs automatically on every push and pull request via GitHub Actions.

To install the linter on your machine, run the following:

npm install -g markdownlint-cli@0.23.2

You can check your changes for linter errors by running:

markdownlint '**/*.md' --ignore node_modules

The linter can automatically fix certain classes of failure. To accept these fixes, run:

markdownlint '**/*.md' --ignore node_modules --fix