- 10
Expo EAS Android build failure: Could not find io.adapty.internal:crossplatform:2.10.3
#115 opened by stevennhnk113 - 9
AdaptyPrice localizedString removes 2nd decimal if it is `0` in `.getPaywallProducts`
#123 opened by pkiler - 9
expo 49 migration
#80 opened by rafakwolf - 3
v3.x support for React Native
#129 opened by RayanMoarkech - 3
[ADAPTY] Error activating Adapty SDK #3001 (wrongParam): Passed parameter "file_location" has invalid type. Expected type: UTF-8 String"
#124 opened by efstathiosntonas - 3
Backup Rules Conflict with AppsFlyer SDK Causing Android Build Failure [Expo Managed Workflow]
#126 opened by troberts-28 - 1
- 1
onPurchaseCompleted is never called on Android expo
#128 opened by rennard - 46
Functionalities not working in release mode
#102 opened by ttnisal - 3
how to run react-native app on ios?????
#125 opened by doppelyouz - 3
Xcode build error
#122 opened by mehmet-boz - 18
TypeToken must be created with a type argument: new TypeToken<...>() {}; When using code shrinkers (ProGuard, R8, ...) make sure that generic signatures are preserved.
#117 opened by SergiOnGit - 2
- 10
- 11
- 3
[IOS 17] requestSubscripition infinite loop
#98 opened by buraksecer - 3
'nil' requires a contextual type
#120 opened by T30-H0 - 2
Can't build in dev mode: Could not find io.adapty.internal:crossplatform-ui:2.1.1. & Could not find io.adapty.internal:crossplatform:2.10.3.
#119 opened by denis-rift - 3
Purchase Failed in sandbox with Unknown Error
#88 opened by samuelzxu - 7
- 1
- 1
Does the example in the repo still work?
#118 opened by jehillert - 0
Android Missing PurchaseToken in AdaptyProfile
#114 opened by Aximem - 8
iOS build fail
#112 opened by elsa17z - 2
- 1
Adapty prompts to sign in with Apple ID
#110 opened by rt2zz - 0
- 2
Required field "abTestName" missing
#84 opened by beweinreich - 0
- 8
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String' on a null object reference
#106 opened by eliezerBrasilian - 3
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':react-native-adapty:compileDebugKotlin'. > A failure occurred while executing org.jetbrains.kotlin.compilerRunner.GradleCompilerRunnerWithWorkers$GradleKotlinCompilerWorkAction > Compilation error. See log for more details
#105 opened by eliezerBrasilian - 2
- 0
IOS Introductory Offers and Promotional Offers
#100 opened by shyamvala - 1
- 10
activation error 2.7.0-canary.1
#97 opened by pioner92 - 0
Ability to forward native logs to RN server
#94 opened by divanc - 2
How do I verify subscription in Sandbox?
#90 opened by andrisole92 - 3
- 3
Best practice for adapty.activate
#83 opened by WrathChaos - 1
- 10
- 3
- 8
protocol 'AdaptySystemEventParameters' as a type cannot conform to 'Encodable'
#74 opened by leons1767 - 3
adapty.getProfile return empty value in Android
#75 opened by long2ice - 3
- 6
Server error on Purchase
#68 opened by HaseebArshad1 - 2
Product Purchase Failed on Cancel
#69 opened by HaseebArshad1 - 3
- 1
Android Promotional Offers
#67 opened by mlaythe - 3