
Puppeteer script which blocks every Javascript of a given URL using Puppeteer's setRequestInterception and then runs a performance / web vitals tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Puppeteer script which blocks every Javascript of a given URL using Puppeteer's setRequestInterception and then runs a performance / web vitals tests

More about: https://medium.com/@WillmannTobias/use-puppeteer-to-block-single-javascripts-for-speed-tests-200cecfb8790


use "npm install" to install


How to run

Open index.js and setup the URL you want to test, some filename and the number of tests you want to run:

const site = "https://www.blick.ch/community/bund-lockert-corona-massnahmen-laesst-du-die-korken-knallen-und-holst-jetzt-deine-hochzeitsfeier-nach-id15909552.html"
const filename = "blick-article-NEW3"
const runs = 10

Start the script with

node index.js


The script will create a folder


Within the folder you will find data.csv with the test results + screenshots. Screenshots are named by the file/Javascript which was request blocked. These Screenshots can be used for a first check if something is broken with the Script being blocked