
A port of simple reactive layout engine running in browsers

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

vlayout Build Status Coverage Status

A port of simple reactive layout engine running in browsers.

Give it a layout description, wire external views, button click handlers and put resulting React.JS component to your page. Layout will auto-update itself.

Integrating to the app

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import './App.css';
import {Engine, Layout} from '@adarovsky/vlayout';
import {EMPTY, interval} from "rxjs";
import {delay, pluck, scan, startWith} from "rxjs/operators";

class App extends Component {

  state = {
    error: null,
    isLoaded: false,
    layout: null

  constructor(props) {

    this.engine = new Engine();
    this.engine.inputs.registerInput("counter", this.engine.numberType(), interval(1000).pipe(
        scan((acc, one) => {
          const [cur, delta] = acc;
          let d = delta;
          if (cur + d > 4 || cur + d < 0) {
            d = -d;
          return [cur + d, d];
        }, [1, -1]),
    // this.engine.registerView('myView', x => <SampleView parentView={x} key={'123'}/>);
    this.engine.registerButton('myButton', async () => {
      await EMPTY.pipe(delay(1000)).toPromise();

  componentDidMount() {
        .then(res => res.text())
            (result) => {
              try {
                  isLoaded: true,
                  layout: <Layout engine={this.engine} content={result}/>
              catch (e) {
                  isLoaded: true,
                  error: e
            (error) => {
                isLoaded: true,

  render() {
    const {error, isLoaded, layout} = this.state;
    if (error) {
      return <div>Ошибка: {error.message}</div>;
    } else if (!isLoaded) {
      return <div>Loading...</div>;
    } else {
      return layout;

export default App;

Let's highlight key points here: Here we create a central point where we register all connections between layout and outer world

  this.engine = new Engine();
  this.engine.inputs.registerInput(name, type, source)

To pass external values inside layout, we use

  engine.inputs.registerInput(name: string, type: Engine.type, source: rxjs.Observable)

To receive button press event from layout, register button:

  this.engine.registerButton(name: string, handler: () => Promise);

Please note that button will be disabled until handler's promise finishes or fails. Button look is defined in layout description

To render external component in layout, one need to derive from ReactView<S extends ReactViewState> and be sure to pass style={self.state.style} in render code

Once preparations are done, we can create and use Layout component like so

  render() {
      return <Layout engine={this.engine} content={content}/>

In the example above, layout content is downloaded using AJAX, but it's up to you where to get it.

Layout description

Layout description has 4 declarations. Let us show it by example. For full description, refer layout syntax

bindings {
  myButton: button

inputs {
  counter: Number

layout {
 layer {
    id: "background"
    z_order: 1

    roundRect {
        center { x: 0.5 y: 0.5 }
        size { width: 0.8 }
        aspect: 16/9
        backgroundColor: #cccccc

 layer {
    id: "label"
    z_order: 2

    vertical {
        alignment: .center
        center { x: 0.5 y: 0.5 }
        label {
            text: String(counter)
        myButton {
            backgroundColor: #dddddd
            strokeColor: #aaaaaa
            strokeWidth: 4
            text: "Click me"
            cornerRadius: 0.5

it results with an image like so: screenshot

Try to experiment with changing propery values. These are all expressions, not constants! For example, you can change button corner radius like so

  cornerRadius: switch(counter) {
      case 0|1 => 0.5 // you can match against a set of constants
      case 2 => 10    // note, that corner radius > 0.5 is absolute, specified in pixels
      case _ => 4     // set up a default value


MIT license. Copyright ©️ Alexander Darovsky.

Credits: Marc J. Schmidt for ideas of handling element resize