
my experience


C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr\bin>keytool -list -v -keystore C:\Users\\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

stateFlow vs SharedFlow

Serialization vs parcelization

viewmodel lifecycle

IntentService and a Service

Kotlin extension function

Kotlin Higher-Order Functions

What is the use of withcontext in kotlin

observable vs livedata

const vs val

Sealed Class vs Enum in Kotlin

How to scale different Views to all screen sizes in Android

let vs run in kotlin

Type of Threads

how to store user store data safely in Android

can we store data in content provider

lifcycle scope

viewmodel life cycle

How I will stop service from the brocard receiver

how we will notify one service from another service

how many dispatchers are there ( 4 )

which dispatchers retrofit is using ans suspended function is using

There is a way safe to pass data inside constructor

how to use ADB

do I need read-write permission for Image video

supervisor job in kotlin

how to add callback to sql without live data

Cold Flow vs Hot Flow

how to make code thread safe in Kotlin

Why are coroutines lightweight internally they are using thread -( VirtualThread is also light weight from java 19 Thread.startVirtualThread )


Mutex For Kotlin Coroutines

Access modifiers in Kotlin

drag and drop Recycler View

Multi component

Handler out put of this code


            Toast.makeText(this, "tee0", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

        Log.d("devkey" , "a")


Kotlinx Json vs Gson

Payload in android Medium article

important commands for android


    ./adb shell am crash androidx.media3.demo     

   ./adb shell monkey -p androidx.media3.demo -v 10000  
   ./adb shell monkey -p androidx.media3.demo --throttle 500 -v 10000

   ./adb shell am send-trim-memory androidx.media3.demo RUNNING_CRITICAL   // LOW MEMORY 

   ./adb shell dumpsys battery set level 10
