Storybrain Search

Use Quick start below to start the search on the go. Check for advanced usage for customizations

Quick Start

Simply Copy paste the code in the head of the HTML and you are ready to use the search.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  window.onload = function() {

Advanced Usage

Add the below script with custom values in the head of HTML. As you see there is a settings and that settings is passed on to the storybrainSearch method to customize the search

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  const settings = {
    theme: {
      textColor: "brown",
      backgroundColor: "#00FFFF",
      highlight: "rgba(232, 126, 4, 1)",
      activeHighlight: "rgb(0, 0, 255)"
    enableHistory: false,
    historyItemsCount: 4,
    disableDesktop: true
  window.onload = function() {


Colors for the theme can be specified with predefined color names, or with RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, or HSLA values as shown below.

theme: {
  textColor: "brown",
  backgroundColor: "#00FFFF",
  highlight: "rgba(232, 126, 4, 1)",
  activeHighlight: "rgb(0, 0, 255)"
Parameter Default value Remarks
enableHistory false enable the suggestion box which show suggestions from the history
historyItemsCount 3 shows maximum of 3 items in the suggestion box.
disableDesktop false hide the search for any device of width more than 700px

Default Settings

Below object is the default settings used when the function storybrainSearch() is invoked without passing any parameters.

If the function storybrainSearch(settings) is invoked with a setting but missing any key or value, then that key or value in the default settings will be used.

  theme: {
    textColor: "rgb(105,105,105)",
    backgroundColor: "rgb(229,229,229)",
    highlight: "rgb(255,255,0)",
    activeHighlight: "rgba(249, 105, 14, 1)",
  enableHistory: false,
  historyItemsCount: 3,
  disableDesktop: false