
The official website for Zairza made using `Gatsby`

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Netlify Status

Netlify: https://zairza.netlify.com/

Official Website for the technical club of CET, Bhubaneswar: Zairza

This will be hosted on zairza.in

File Heirarchy

├── src     
    ├── components              #reusable components
    ├── config                  #config files(yaml,json,etc)
    ├── containers              #actual source code for each page
    ├── pages                   #routes
├── static                      #static files(css, js, images, etc)                    
├── .editorconfig               #prettier config file                     
├── eslint.json                 #eslint config file                  
├── .gitignore                  #file that are escaped by git                   
├── LICENSE                     #product/Website license
└── README.md                   #README
└── gatsby.config.js            #gatsby config(plugins, themes, etc)
└── package.json                #npm config file

For Linux users facing the following error-WebpackError: Cannot find module 'core-js/modules/es6.object.assign'

install : npm install --save core-js@2