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Red Hat Developers Workshop Guide

How to setup the workshop using OpenShift4


The scripts uses these tools for various functions, please have them installed before proceeding further in the setup.

OCP4 Setup


Setup OpenShift4 Cluster via RHPDS

Bring Your Own Cluster (BYC)

Create a OCP4 cluster by visiting try.openshift.com and downloading the openshift installer binary for Linux or Mac

1) ./openshift-install --dir=june22v2 create install-config

Follow the prompts for your SSH key, your favorite AWS Region, your Route53 domain, your PullSecret (visible at try.openshift.com), etc. This creates a directory called "june22v2" and inside it a file called install-config.yaml

2) Edit this file to override your aws/azure/gcp Instance Types (the default ones are tiny), here is an example snippet

  name: worker
       type: m5.4xlarge

  name: master
       type: c5.4xlarge

3) ./openshift-install --dir=june22v2 create cluster

4) You can monitoring the activity by refreshing your AWS EC2 console

5) Make note of the resulting URLs and the kubeadmin password when the process is completed. It will take several minutes, go have lunch.

6) Also keep the kubeconfig file in june22v2/auth

7) OpenShift4 CLI for your environment from https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ocp/latest/.


Its assumed that the cluster has been setup in one of the ways as above.

Workshop setup

Set Environment Variables

Copy setEnv.example to setEnv.sh. Edit setEnv.sh and update the variables with values to match your environment. Login in as OpenShift cluster admin



Delete quotas


ONLY FOR RHPDS The RHPDS by default applies a ClusterResourceQuota to the cluster, you need to remove the ClusterResourceQuota or alter to allow extra CPU/RAM for successful Istio install

# (optional) take a the back up of listed clusterresource quotas
oc get clusterresourcequotas.quota.openshift.io clusterquota-opentlc-mgr -o yaml > <your-backup-dir>/clusterquota-opentlc-mgr.yaml
# scale down the operator
oc -n gpte-userquota-operator scale deployments --replicas=0 userquota-operator
# delete the mulitproject clusterresource quota
oc delete clusterresourcequotas.quota.openshift.io clusterquota-opentlc-mgr
# check if its deleted
oc get clusterresourcequotas.quota.openshift.io

Install Nexus

Since there will be lot java artifacts required

oc new-project rhd-workshop-infra
oc new-app -n rhd-workshop-infra sonatype/nexus

Create Workshop Users


If you are using RHPDS then the users are already created, hence you skip this step

./workshopper createUsers

Install Operators

All the components such as Knative Serving, Knative Eventing, Eclipse Che and Tekton will be installed using operators via Opeator Hub. As a first step towards that we need to install the sources from where the components will be installed

./workshopper installCatalogSources

It will take few minutes to get the operator sources to be configured

Please check if your Operator Catalog looks like below before proceeding to next steps:

Navigate to project openshift-operators and navigate to Catalog  Operator Management  Operator Catalogs

operator catalogs

Eclipse Che

$ *bash <(curl -sL  https://www.eclipse.org/che/chectl/)*
$ *./workshopper createCheCluster*

Workshop Che optimizations

cat ./config/che/che.env | oc set env -e - deployment/che -n che
Get Keycloak Password
"export KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=$(oc get -n che deployment keycloak -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[pass:['*']].env[?(@.name=="KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD")].value}')
Get Eclipse Che URL
oc get routes -n che che -o yaml | yq r - 'spec.host'
Get Keycloak URL
oc get routes -n che keycloak -o yaml | yq r - 'spec.host'

The following section are optional based on what components that might be needed for the workshop.

Install Istio

Istio will will be installed using Red Hat Servicemesh Operator, the following section details on how to install using operator and oc CLI.

./workshopper installServicemesh

It will take for some time for Servicemesh and its dependencies to be resolve, you can watch the status via:

watch 'oc get csv -n openshift-operators'

A successful install will show an output like

NAME                                         DISPLAY                          VERSION
           REPLACES   PHASE
elasticsearch-operator.4.1.18-201909201915   Elasticsearch Operator           4.1.18-2019
09201915              Succeeded
jaeger-operator.v1.13.1                      Jaeger Operator                  1.13.1
kiali-operator.v1.0.5                        Kiali Operator                   1.0.5
servicemeshoperator.v1.0.0                   Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh   1.0.0
Operator versions may vary from your output based on the latest available csv
Deploy Control Plane
./workshopper createServicemesh
It will take sometime for Istio to be deployed completely, wait for all the Istio Pods to be available:
oc -n istio-system get pods -w

If you see no pods getting created for long time, try running the command to oc get svc -n istio-system to see if the Servicemesh operators are copied to istio-system namespace. If you see them copied or copying wait for the copy to be done and run the command ./workshopper createServicemesh again.

Get all Service URLS of Istio Services

oc get routes -n istio-system -o custom-columns='NAME:.metadata.name,URL:.spec.host'

Create Istio service member roll

./workshopper addProjectsToServicemesh
Verify projects added Istio service member roll
oc get -n istio-system ServiceMeshMemberRoll -o yaml

Install Knative

We will be using Knative Serving and Knative Eventing Operators to install Knative Serving and Eventing components:

Knative Serving

./workshopper installKnativeServing

It will take few minutes for the Knative serving pods to appear please run the following commands to watch the status:

oc -n knative-serving get pods -w

Knative Eventing

./workshopper installKnativeEventing

It will take few minutes for the Knative eventing pods to appear please run the following commands to watch the status:

oc -n knative-eventing get pods -w

Strimzi Kafka

./workshopper installKafka

It will take few minutes for the Kafka pods to appear please run the following commands to watch the status:

oc -n kafka get pods -w

Knative Eventing Kafka

./workshopper installKnativeKafka

It will take few minutes for the Knative Eventing Kafka pods to appear please run the following commands to watch the status:

oc -n knative-eventing get pods -w
Eventing Sources
$*oc api-resources --api-group=sources.eventing.knative.dev*
NAME               SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP                       NAMESPACED   KIND
apiserversources                sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         ApiServerSource
containersources                sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         ContainerSource
cronjobsources                  sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         CronJobSource
kafkasources                    sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         KafkaSource
sinkbindings                    sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         SinkBinding
$ *oc api-resources --api-group=messaging.knative.dev*
NAME               SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP                NAMESPACED   KIND
channels           ch           messaging.knative.dev   true         Channel
inmemorychannels   imc          messaging.knative.dev   true         InMemoryChannel
kafkachannels      kc           messaging.knative.dev   true         KafkaChannel
parallels                       messaging.knative.dev   true         Parallel
sequences                       messaging.knative.dev   true         Sequence
subscriptions      sub          messaging.knative.dev   true         Subscription

OpenShift Pipelines

./workshopper installPipelines

It will take few minutes for the OpenShift pipelines pods to appear please run the following commands to watch the status:

oc -n openshift-pipelines get pods -w


./workshopper installKamel
$ *kubectl api-resources --api-group=camel.apache.org*
NAME                   SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP           NAMESPACED   KIND
builds                              camel.apache.org   true         Build
camelcatalogs          cc           camel.apache.org   true         CamelCatalog
integrationkits        ik           camel.apache.org   true         IntegrationKit
integrationplatforms   ip           camel.apache.org   true         IntegrationPlatform
integrations           it           camel.apache.org   true         Integration
Run `kamel install` in the namespace where you want kamel integrations to be deployed.
Since the opeator and API are setup globally in previous setup, you can skip the install using the options `--skip-cluster-setup` and `--skip-operator-setup` -- that is, `kamel install --skip-operator-setup --skip-cluster-setup` --

Knative Camel

./workshopper installKnativeCamel
$*oc api-resources --api-group=sources.eventing.knative.dev*
NAME               SHORTNAMES   APIGROUP                       NAMESPACED   KIND
apiserversources                sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         ApiServerSource
*camelsources                    sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         CamelSource*
containersources                sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         ContainerSource
cronjobsources                  sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         CronJobSource
kafkasources                    sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         KafkaSource
sinkbindings                    sources.eventing.knative.dev   true         SinkBinding

Workshop users, projects and quotas

Cache frequently used container images

./workshopper cacheImages

Create Workshop User Group and Role

./workshopper usersAndGroups

You can check the group users via command, which should basically list all workshop users.

oc get groups workshop-students

Create Eclipse Che Users

./workshopper createCheUsers

Create Eclipse Che User Workspaces

./workshopper createWorkspaces

It will take sometime to create the workspaces, all the workspaces created will be logged in $PROJECT_HOME/workspace.txt file.

Create and configure Workshop Projects

Create project

./workshopper configProjects

Annotate project

Annotate the projects with right OpenShift user to allow resource quotas to be applied

./workshopper annotateProjects

Configure project

./workshopper configProjects


./workshopper cleanup