HideTwitterNavBars is a Firefox extension that hides the left and right navigation bars on the Twitter hompeage, leaving you with only the twitter feed.
Modified Twitter (with extension enabled)
- Download the current release as .xpi here - https://github.com/adarshrao/HideTwitterNavBars/releases/download/1.1/lesclutte-1.1-an.fx.xpi
- Navigate to "About:Addons" in Firefox browser and 'install from file'
- Download the contents on this repository
- Make a .zip file
- Navigate to the Add-on Developer hub https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/ (sign in if you haven't already)
- Click Submit a new addons
- I recommend choosing 'On your own'
- Click Select File and Upload the .zip file created in step 2