
Boiler-plate code for server-rendered(SSR), progressive web app(PWA) in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App


1 React 16
2 React-Router 4
3 Express 4
4 React-Helmet
5 Redux
6 Axios
7 Universal-Cookie
8 React-Intl

Branch Description

master Async SSR, Redux, Internationalization
static-ssr Static SSR Implemented
async-ssr Async SSR Implemented

Terminal Commands

DEV_MODE yarn start
BUILD_DEV yarn build:dev
BUILD_PROD yarn build:prod
BABELIFY yarn babelify
TEST yarn test
SERVE_PROD pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env production
SERVE_DEV pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
EJECT_APP yarn eject

  1. Before starting the project, redux store structure for the app needs to be thought of so that it can cater to all pages and maximum use cases.

  1. ENV

a. REACT_APP_ENV is given while building the app - For Browser ENV

b. Also, while starting the app on server(at runtime) - For Server ENV

  1. Managing Access Tokens

a. Import cookie instance from CookiesProvider wherever tokens need to be set/reset, i.e., login/logout

b. For making API calls or restricting routes with accesstoken, get the apiContext from ApiContextProvider

  1. Sanity Checks

a. App build is running fine

b. SSR is running properly

  1. I18N

a. React-Intl has been used for I18N. IntlProvider is wrapped around the App on server-side(serverRender) and client-side(src/index).

b. On client-side, locale is fetched from navigator languages On server-side, locale is fetched from accepted-language in header of the request [Ref. localeMsgs]

c. Adding Locale Add file to locales folder and add case to localeMsgs.js

d. If explicit widget is required to change preferred language, set it in a cookie and handle it in getLocale of localeMsgs

e. Translations Manager babel-plugin-react-intl currently helps spit out all the translations(for Translators) used in the app. If you want this to be in one file, use React-intl-translations-manager for managing translations. It has other powerful options too, if you want to explore.

  1. Code-splitting and Lazy Loading

NOTE: Don't OVERDO it!

a. Codes-splitting has been achieved by using dynamic imports, which is provided by default through CRA.

b. AsyncComponent will provide you with a function(asyncComponent) to dynamically import Components in your modules/components.

c. Lazy Loading: Dynamically import Components using above-mentioned function wherever required for lazy-loading of modules/components.

d. Working example available in code-splitting branch. Please refer components/AsyncComponent, src/App and components/Protected.


  • Code-splitting + SSR
  • HMR with SSR