
Build a Disney+ clone with react.js, styled-components, redux-toolkit, authentications , flexbox grid layout with firebase deployment.🔥🚀✅🙂

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Technology uses on this webapp

#React #React Router #user event #react dom #react toolkit #redux #react slick slider #react slick carousel #style components #firebase firestore database #firebase authentications #firebase deploy


Live Url: 👉 https://disneyplus-web.web.app


Cheat sheet

install style components with npm

npm i styled-components

install react router dom with npm

npm add react-router-dom

add firebase to the project

npm install --save firebase

add firebase tools

npm install --save firebase-tools

A complete lof file are found in another place this type firebase json error when come so try to run this command and and again install firebase and firebase tools

npm cache clean --force

install and add react-redux for storing the authetication information into database

npm install react-redux

install react reduxjs/toolkit to make it easier for redux

npm add @reduxjs/toolkit

install and add react slick slider

npm add react-slick

install and add react slick carousel

npm add slick-carousel

vs code tips and tricks

fosiz ---> for font size txdec ---> for text decoration ftfam ---> for font family

Webapp name

"# disneypluswebapp #"

"#### 👉 🔥 🚀 Disneyplus web app version 2 coming soon stay with us and follow me on github ####"


"#### My website url #####"

👉 https://marketitup.in/
