- Run
- Get the deployed programId of the FermiDex program.
- Paste the programId into the
in fermi-sdk - Now create a new market by running
npx ts-node ./examples/newMarket.example.ts
- Copy paste the generated market constants from the console output to the
marketConstants field.
You now are ready to interact with the market through various functions available in sdk
import * as FermiDex from "../src
Go to config.json
- Replace
or any custom endpoint for devnet - Replace
with address of deployed program on devnet [contact team for latest programID: tg: @dtree33] - Run
npx ts-node ./examples
The Fermi Protocol SDK provides functionalities to interact with the Fermi DEX on Solana. In this tutorial, we will cover the following steps:
- Setting up the environment
- Creating a market
- Airdropping tokens
- Fetching token balances
- Placing orders
- Finalizing orders
Make sure all the keypairs have sol in it , else airdrop some using solana airdrop <sol-amount> <address>
To begin, import the necessary modules and configurations:
import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import * as FermiDex from "../src";
import { rpcUrl } from "../config.json";
import {markets} from "./markets.ts"
Initialize your connection:
const connection = new Connection(rpcUrl);
Load local keypairs for the owner and two users:
const owner = FermiDex.getLocalKeypair("~/.config/solana/id.json");
const user1 = FermiDex.getLocalKeypair("./test-keypairs/user1/key.json");
const user2 = FermiDex.getLocalKeypair("./test-keypairs/user2/key.json");
To initialize a market:
await FermiDex.initialiseMarket(owner, connection);
Create a client with a authority keypair , connection and specify which market to interact with
Example market :
marketPda: "6U2rPcw5vqdc6cpPq4APpNmmdhZe3Qfnv36Wgz4xi94H",
coinMint: "34ma6yJYJ1MANrzYB16iVTaAay8uisw5qUr42Np5Vze6",
pcMint: "HvhQgh71p4Tz7g7bBNbsMCYShpesPt16kG2YtaYFwFE4",
const client = new FermiDex.FermiClient({
Airdrop coin and PC tokens
// airdrop coin tokens
await FermiDex.airdropToken({
receiverPk: bobKp.publicKey,
amount: 1000 * (10 ** 9),
mint: new PublicKey(currentMarket.coinMint),
ownerKp: owner,
//airdrop pc tokens
await FermiDex.airdropToken({
receiverPk: bobKp.publicKey,
amount: 1000 * (10 ** 9),
mint: new PublicKey(currentMarket.pcMint),
ownerKp: owner,
To fetch and display the balances for both users:
// Fetch custom token balance of wallet by specifying mint address of token
const cutomTokenBalance = await FermiDex.getTokenBalance(userKp.publicKey,new PublicKey(selectedMarket.pcMint),connection);
// Fetch Pc token balance of current market
const pcTokenBalance = await client.getWalletPcBalance()
// Fetch Coin token balance of current market
const coinTokenBalance = await client.getWalletCoinBalance()
// Fetch open orders account balance
const openOrdersTokenBalances = await client.fetchOpenOrdersAccountBalances();
Place a buy order for bob
and a sell order for alice
const buyOrder = await bobClient.placeBuyOrder(30,1)
const sellOrder = await aliceClient.placeSellOrder(30,1)
Finalizing orders involves matching and executing trades. Here's how to do it:
// Get a map of finalisable orders
const matchedEventsAlice = await aliceClient.getFinalisableOrderMap();
console.log({ matchedEventsAlice });
const matchedOrders = Object.keys(matchedEventsAlice); // Get
const orderIdToFinalise = matchedOrders[0]; // Select which order to finalise
const match = matchedEventsAlice[orderIdToFinalise];
const finaliseSellOrder = await aliceClient.finaliseSellOrder(
aliceKp, // Keypair
match.eventSlot1, // number
match.eventSlot2 // number
console.log({ finaliseSellOrder });
const finaliseBuyOrder = await bobClient.finaliseBuyOrder(
console.log({ finaliseBuyOrder });
To fetch asks & bids
const bids = await client.getBids()
const asks = await client.getAsks()
To fetch event queue
const eventQueue = await client.getEventQueue();
To fetch openOrders account
const oo = await client.getOpenOrders()
To cancel order , you have to specify orderId which needs to be cancelled
// orderIdToCancel : string
const cancelBuy = await client.cancelBuyOrder(orderIdToCancel);
const cancelSell = await client.cancelSellOrder(orderIdToCancel);
To deposit tokens in open orders account from wallet
// amount: number
const depositPc = await client.depositPcTokens(amount);
const depositCoin = await client.depositCoinTokens(amount);
To withdraw tokens from open orders account to wallet
// amount : number
const withdrawPc = await client.withdrawPcTokens(10);
const withdrawCoins = await client.withdrawPcTokens(10);