
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Fermi SDK

Setup Localnet

  1. Run solana-test-validator
  2. Get the deployed programId of the FermiDex program.
  3. Paste the programId into the config.json in fermi-sdk
  4. Now create a new market by running npx ts-node ./examples/newMarket.example.ts
  5. Copy paste the generated market constants from the console output to the config.json marketConstants field.

You now are ready to interact with the market through various functions available in sdk

import * as FermiDex from "../src

Setup for devnet

Go to config.json

  • Replace rpcUrl with https://api.devnet.solana.com or any custom endpoint for devnet
  • Replace programId with address of deployed program on devnet [contact team for latest programID: tg: @dtree33]
  • Run npx ts-node ./examples

Fermi Protocol SDK Tutorial

The Fermi Protocol SDK provides functionalities to interact with the Fermi DEX on Solana. In this tutorial, we will cover the following steps:

  1. Setting up the environment
  2. Creating a market
  3. Airdropping tokens
  4. Fetching token balances
  5. Placing orders
  6. Finalizing orders

Things to keep in mind

Make sure all the keypairs have sol in it , else airdrop some using solana airdrop <sol-amount> <address>

1. Setting Up the Environment

To begin, import the necessary modules and configurations:

import { Connection, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import * as FermiDex from "../src";
import { rpcUrl } from "../config.json";
import {markets} from "./markets.ts"

Initialize your connection:

const connection = new Connection(rpcUrl);

Load local keypairs for the owner and two users:

const owner = FermiDex.getLocalKeypair("~/.config/solana/id.json");
const user1 = FermiDex.getLocalKeypair("./test-keypairs/user1/key.json");
const user2 = FermiDex.getLocalKeypair("./test-keypairs/user2/key.json");

2. Creating a Market

To initialize a market:

await FermiDex.initialiseMarket(owner, connection);

3. Create client

Create a client with a authority keypair , connection and specify which market to interact with

Example market :
  marketPda: "6U2rPcw5vqdc6cpPq4APpNmmdhZe3Qfnv36Wgz4xi94H",
  coinMint: "34ma6yJYJ1MANrzYB16iVTaAay8uisw5qUr42Np5Vze6",
  pcMint: "HvhQgh71p4Tz7g7bBNbsMCYShpesPt16kG2YtaYFwFE4",
const client = new FermiDex.FermiClient({

3. Airdropping Tokens

Airdrop coin and PC tokens

// airdrop coin tokens
await FermiDex.airdropToken({
    receiverPk: bobKp.publicKey,
    amount: 1000 * (10 ** 9),
    mint: new PublicKey(currentMarket.coinMint),
    ownerKp: owner,
//airdrop pc tokens
await FermiDex.airdropToken({
    receiverPk: bobKp.publicKey,
    amount: 1000 * (10 ** 9),
    mint: new PublicKey(currentMarket.pcMint),
    ownerKp: owner,

4. Fetching Token Balances

To fetch and display the balances for both users:

// Fetch custom token balance of wallet by specifying mint address of token
const cutomTokenBalance = await FermiDex.getTokenBalance(userKp.publicKey,new PublicKey(selectedMarket.pcMint),connection);

// Fetch Pc token balance of current market
const pcTokenBalance = await client.getWalletPcBalance()

// Fetch Coin token balance of current market
const coinTokenBalance = await client.getWalletCoinBalance()

// Fetch open orders account balance
const openOrdersTokenBalances = await client.fetchOpenOrdersAccountBalances();

5. Placing Orders

Place a buy order for bob and a sell order for alice:

const buyOrder = await bobClient.placeBuyOrder(30,1)

const sellOrder = await aliceClient.placeSellOrder(30,1)

6. Finalizing Orders

Finalizing orders involves matching and executing trades. Here's how to do it:

// Get a map of finalisable orders
const matchedEventsAlice = await aliceClient.getFinalisableOrderMap();

console.log({ matchedEventsAlice });
const matchedOrders = Object.keys(matchedEventsAlice); // Get
const orderIdToFinalise = matchedOrders[0]; // Select which order to finalise
const match = matchedEventsAlice[orderIdToFinalise];

const finaliseSellOrder = await aliceClient.finaliseSellOrder(
  aliceKp, // Keypair
  match.eventSlot1, // number 
  match.eventSlot2 // number 
console.log({ finaliseSellOrder });

const finaliseBuyOrder = await bobClient.finaliseBuyOrder(
console.log({ finaliseBuyOrder });

7. Fetching market data like openOrders , asks , bids , eventQueue

To fetch asks & bids

const bids = await client.getBids()
const asks = await client.getAsks()

To fetch event queue

const eventQueue = await client.getEventQueue();

To fetch openOrders account

const oo = await client.getOpenOrders()

8. Cancelling orders

To cancel order , you have to specify orderId which needs to be cancelled

// orderIdToCancel : string
const cancelBuy = await client.cancelBuyOrder(orderIdToCancel);
const cancelSell = await client.cancelSellOrder(orderIdToCancel);

9. Deposit Tokens

To deposit tokens in open orders account from wallet

// amount: number
const depositPc = await client.depositPcTokens(amount);
const depositCoin = await client.depositCoinTokens(amount);

10. Withdraw Tokens

To withdraw tokens from open orders account to wallet

// amount : number 
const withdrawPc = await client.withdrawPcTokens(10);
const withdrawCoins = await client.withdrawPcTokens(10);