
Crossword puzzle generator

Primary LanguagePython


Poetry = Package manager

This project uses Poetry as a package manager. Please refer to the Poetry Installation docs or just run the following to install:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/install-poetry.py | python -


Input word list

Create a pandas dataframe with columns:

  • word_label_text
  • word_description_text
  • word_concept_id
  • word_label_id
  • word_description_id
  • score

Creating a word list

Example when your words are in a text file, every word on its single line:

import pandas as pd

word_list = list()
with open('words') as wordlist_file:
    for i, word in enumerate(wordlist_file.readlines()):
        word_list.append([word.strip().lower(), '', i, i, i])

words_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data=word_list,

words_dataframe.to_pickle('wordlist.pickle.gzip', compression='gzip', protocol=5)

Run the generator

poetry run python3 ./run.py

Experiments - memory usage

Branch ab/experiment-memory-usage

  • EMPTY data structure, english, 540k words: 3.3MiB
  • FILLED data structure, english, 540k words: 273.63MiB ~= 530B per word