
Adblocking DNS-Over-TLS Proxy

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

ERISED - Only see what you want to see

Adblocking using DNS-over-TLS

This is a project with the goal of blocking unwanted ads, trackers, etc across an entire operating system (web and apps). Currently focusing on Android since that's the only major OS with a native DNS-over-TLS implementation.

This group of containers will accept incoming DNS-over-TLS (DoH) requests, pass them through the Pi-hole blocker, and then pass them upstream to an encrypted DNS server.

This currently deploys the Caddy container using a Caddy install using a Personal License. 
Make sure to change this if you require the commerical license.


Before deploying this you'll need to:

  • get a KVM (or dedicated) server running Debian 9
  • install Docker
  • install Docker Compose
  • Get a DNS A or AAAA record pointing to your server's IP
  • Open port 853 and 80 on your firewall (80 to get a certificate, and 853 for the actual service)

Server Prep

System & Dependencies:

apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common tmux apache2-utils ufw


ufw allow OpenSSH

ufw allow http

ufw allow https

ufw allow 8080/tcp

ufw allow 853/tcp

ufw enable


curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | apt-key add -

add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

apt update

apt-cache policy docker-ce

apt install docker-ce

Docker Compose:

curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


Once you have all this, clone this repo

cd /opt/

git clone https://github.com/eldridgea/erised.git

Change into the cloned directory and run the build command replacing "YOUR_HOSTNAME" with your hostname and "YOUR_EMAIL" with your email.

cd erised

docker-compose build --build-arg ERISEDHOST=YOUR_HOSTNAME --build-arg ERISEDEMAIL=YOUR_EMAIL

**Note: sub-domains are not supported

Once this is done run

docker swarm init

docker-compose up -d

(Or run docker-compose up if you want logging output to your terminal)


This will deploy a stack of three containers:

  • cloudflared - to encrypt DNS queries before passing them upstream
  • PiHole - to filter out unwanted results
  • Caddy - to allow incoming DNS requests to use TLS

A DNS request will look like this:

    |Your   |
    |Device |
    |       |
    |       |
    |Caddy  |
    |       |
    |       |
    |pihole |
    |       |
    |             |
    | cloudflared |
    |             |
    |                 |
    | Cloudflare's    |
    | service |

Using on Android 9.0 +

DNS-over-TLS is a built in feature on Android 9 (Pie) and later. If used, Android will use that DNS server for all requests on all networks. So this allows for system-wide blocking on all apps and all networks without the need for an always-on VPN.

To use this, open up your Android settings > Network & Internet > Advanced > Private DNS.

Select the "Private DNS provider hostname" option and enter in your hostname that you used for your DNS record and in the build command.