
Course Project for "Getting and Cleaning Data" on Coursera

Primary LanguageR

Getting and Cleaning Data

###Course Project

run_analysis.R is an R script for joining and tidying the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones data set (UCI HAR Dataset) available from the UCI Machine Learning Repository available here where a full description can be found.

###To run:

  • source the run_analysis.R script
  • the script will automatically download, unzip, and process the data, or
  • if the data is already available locally, put the zipped file called data.zip in a directory called data in your workding directory. i.e. ./data/data.zip

###What it does:

  1. joins the separate training and test data sets into one data set
  2. adds descriptive activity labels
  3. adds descriptive, column-legal feature/variable names
  4. subsets the data to include only mean and standard deviation measurments
  5. outputs a tidy data set of the average values of the data subset for each subject and activity

###Output: tidydata.txt which has dimensions 180x88 (180 rows = 30 subjects X 6 activities; 88 columns = 86 features + subjects + activities)

Note: The text of tidydata.txt may appear to have the subjects and activities as rows. This is due to the way write.table outputs the file, however the data frame/table in R will have the expected 180x88 dimensions.