This is the Flow Designer sample for Obeo Designer.
To install it, the easiest way is to download Obeo Designer Community Edition 11.5.0 which provides a ready-to-use bundle with Sirius 6.5.1. Just check out this source code, and use a runtime workspace to try the sample with these two projects:
- org.obeonetwork.sample.robot
If you want to test the XText integration please install the following feature from Obeo Designer update site:
- Sirius Integration with Xtext
- Xtext Complete SDK
If you only need the Sirius modeler, close the following projets:
- fr.obeo.dsl.designer.sample.flow.routerdsl
- fr.obeo.dsl.designer.sample.flow.routerdsl.ide
- fr.obeo.dsl.designer.sample.flow.routerdsl.ui
- io.typefox.dsl.designer.flow.xtext
Last change:
- Update SVGs and icons
- Upgrade to Sirius 6.5.1 (and OD 11.5.0)
- Simplify the VSM for the demo purpose
- Improve the L&F of the sample.
The very next steps for this project are:
- CDO-ification of the metamodel
- Propose a scenario of improvement with Power Supply