
Building "Hotel Management System" Desktop Application in Java programming language with Java Swing library and Java Database Connection (JDBC) to MysSQL, using XAMPP Local Host Sserver.

Primary LanguageJava


About The Project

  Building a "Hotel Management System" Desktop Application in IntelliJ IDEA , using Java programming language, "Java Swing" library and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to MysSQL, using XAMPP Local Host Sserver.

Project Setup

      1. Install MySQL if not installed.

      2. At first, Create a database in MySQL named as "hotel_management_system".

      3. Then create tables named as:

      • "Employee", 
      • "Customer", 
      • "Login", 
      • "Driver", 
      • "Room".

      4. Insert values of login table.

      5. Install IntelliJ IDE.

      6. Create a new project named as "HotelManagementSystem" and start coding the Java Classes.

Project Screenshots
