This repository holds configuration for the different machines I own.
To launch the configuration:
ansible-playbook -i env/<environment>/inventory all.yml
A development and a production environment are available. The production environment are my actual machines. The development machines are Vagrant based.
Example for mediaserver:
mkdir infrastructure && cd infrastructure
git clone git:// .
git clone git:// --recursive
source ansible/hacking/env-setup
vagrant up media
ssh-copy-id vagrant@media # password is "vagrant"
ansible-playbook -i env/development/inventory mediaserver.yml
My daily driver consists of a Debian distribution. It contains all the tools I use regularly. It is also pre-configured for my needs: my dotfiles are included.
Before reinstalling your system make sure that the following items are safe:
- SSH keys
- GPG keys
- Keepass2 database
When testing in the development environement, you need to login and run: ./install-gnome. For some reason it requires /dev/tty and I have not found how to bypass this. Either I find a way to fix it, or build a box with gnome included.
Hosts my websites with a Nginx + ( PHP-FPM | Node ) + Maria DB stack. Hosts my apt repository.
Before reinstalling your system make sure that the following items are safe:
- GPG keys (aptly)
When installing the webserver you need to place the GPG keys for your repository
into env/<environment>/keys
To create new GPG keys:
sudo apt-get install gnupg
gpg --gen-key # copy the key id
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <keyid> > env/<environment>/private.gpg.key
gpg --export --armor <keyid> > env/<environment>/public.gpg.key
Place a backup of the lusoleaves database in /backups/lusoleaves.sql
for it to be restored.
Place a backup of the lusoleaves products in /backups/products
for it to be restored.
After installing the production system:
- Add the debian packages to the repository
My media server is based on a Debian contains the following components:
- OpenMediaVault
Before reinstalling your system make sure that the following items are safe:
- /etc/mdadm.conf
After installing the production system:
- Backup
- ddclient for DynDNS