
Yet another language

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Yet Another Language

small interpreted language to try out kotlin and ANTLR

it supports:

  • int, float, string and bool
  • int to float type aliasing
  • simple type checks
  • some binary ops
  • if, while
  • I/O


if (3<4) 
    write "condition was true";
    write "condition was false";

if (true) {
    write "inside";
    write "second";
    write "if";

int a, b;

while(a < 10) {
 write "a=", a;
 a = a + 1;

a = 0;

read b;

while(a < b) {
 write "a=", a, ", b=", b;
 a = a + 1;


$  ./gradlew run --args path/to/file.yal

instruction set

Instruction Description
add binary +
sub binary -
mul binary *
div binary /
mod binary %
uminus unary -
concat binary . - concatenation od strings
and binary &&
or binary ||
gt binary >
lt binary <
eq binary == - campares two values
not unary ! - negating boolean value
itof Instruction takes int value from the stack, converts it to float and returns it to stack.
push T x Instruction pushs the value x of type T. Where T represents I - int, F - float, S - string, B - bool. Example: push I 10, push B true, push S "A B C "
pop Instruction takes on value from the stack and discards it.
load id Instruction loads value of variable id on stack.
save id Instruction takes value from the top of the stack and stores it into the variable with name id
label n Instruction marks the spot in source code with unique number n
jmp n Instruction jumps to the label defined by unique number n
fjmp n Instruction takes boolean value from the stack and if it is false, it will perform a jump to a label with unique number n
print n Instruction takes n values from stack and prints them on standard output
read T Instruction reads value of type T (I - int, F - float, S - string, B - bool) from standard input and stores in on the stack

full language specification can be found here