small interpreted language to try out kotlin and ANTLR
it supports:
- int, float, string and bool
- int to float type aliasing
- simple type checks
- some binary ops
- I/O
if (3<4)
write "condition was true";
write "condition was false";
if (true) {
write "inside";
write "second";
write "if";
int a, b;
while(a < 10) {
write "a=", a;
a = a + 1;
a = 0;
read b;
while(a < b) {
write "a=", a, ", b=", b;
a = a + 1;
$ ./gradlew run --args path/to/file.yal
Instruction | Description |
add | binary + |
sub | binary - |
mul | binary * |
div | binary / |
mod | binary % |
uminus | unary - |
concat | binary . - concatenation od strings |
and | binary && |
or | binary || |
gt | binary > |
lt | binary < |
eq | binary == - campares two values |
not | unary ! - negating boolean value |
itof | Instruction takes int value from the stack, converts it to float and returns it to stack. |
push T x | Instruction pushs the value x of type T. Where T represents I - int, F - float, S - string, B - bool. Example: push I 10, push B true, push S "A B C " |
pop | Instruction takes on value from the stack and discards it. |
load id | Instruction loads value of variable id on stack. |
save id | Instruction takes value from the top of the stack and stores it into the variable with name id |
label n | Instruction marks the spot in source code with unique number n |
jmp n | Instruction jumps to the label defined by unique number n |
fjmp n | Instruction takes boolean value from the stack and if it is false, it will perform a jump to a label with unique number n |
print n | Instruction takes n values from stack and prints them on standard output |
read T | Instruction reads value of type T (I - int, F - float, S - string, B - bool) from standard input and stores in on the stack |
full language specification can be found here