
The Octopus Deploy blog


Octopus blog

This repository contains the Octopus.com/blog posts.

Authors must sign the Contribution License Agreement (CLA) before we can accept your contribution.

The repo includes templates to help you get started.

See the Octopus style guide for the following information:

How to submit a blog post

Internal authors can create a branch for their work, external authors need to fork the repo.

Posts are organized in year-month directories (i.e., 2020-01/), find or create the directory that is roughly when your post is going out and add your files there.

If you'd like feedback on a work in progress, create a draft PR and tag @robpearson or @wordlee with your request.

When you're happy with your post and think it's ready to be reviewed, create a PR and assign @robpearson and @wordlee as reviewers.

If you're drafting a post that you'd like to keep private until it's published, use the internal blog drafts repo.