
Create application:

mn create-app issue --lang groovy --features application,http-client,http-server,jdbc-hikari,liquibase,logback,spock


Based on the test issue.web.rest.UserResourceSpec.

The current error that is returned is that there is no user in the database

11:46:06.764 [pool-1-thread-4] ERROR i.m.h.s.netty.RoutingInBoundHandler - Unexpected error occurred: Query produced no result
io.micronaut.data.exceptions.EmptyResultException: Query produced no result
	at io.micronaut.data.runtime.intercept.DefaultFindOneInterceptor.intercept(DefaultFindOneInterceptor.java:59)
	at io.micronaut.data.intercept.DataIntroductionAdvice.intercept(DataIntroductionAdvice.java:79)

This behaviour comes from the user that has been created in the given part is not commited

def user = createUser(username)

To be sure that the issue comes from the commit :

  • Go to io.micronaut.data.jdbc.operations.DefaultJdbcRepositoryOperations in the method persistOne.

  • At this end create a breakpoint then run the test is debug.

  • Force the connection to commit :

Commit the connection

  • The test is now successful

Successful test