
This describes the official Adcloud API (HTTP, JSON, "REST")

MIT LicenseMIT


Copyright (c) 2011 Adcloud GmbH.

API Description for Adcloud GmbH

Version: 1.0

  • Host: api.adcloud.com (SSL only)
  • Format: JSON/REST
  • Authentication: Oauth 2.0 (two-legged)

This describes the official Adcloud API. If you have any problems or requests please contact api@adcloud.com.

How to authenticate your client

To use the API you need a client_id and client_secret provided by Adcloud. With this your client can generate an access token that is necessary for every request. At the moment access tokens expires after 2 hours.

Send a POST request to the following url including your client_id and client_secret:

$> curl -X POST -d  "client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>&grant_type=none"  "https://api.adcloud.com/v1/oauth/access_token"

The response will look like this:


Fetch advertiser reports

Send a GET request to the following url, including your access_token and a date filter:

$> curl "https://api.adcloud.com/v1/reports/advertiser?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>&filter[date]=<FILTER_DATE>"

Or do it via HTTP Header:

$> curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" "https://api.adcloud.com/v1/reports/advertiser?filter[date]=<FILTER_DATE>"

The response will look similar to this:

    "collection" : {
        "first_url" : "https://api.adcloud.com/v1/reports/advertiser?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>&filter%5Bdate%5D=<FILTER_DATE>&page=1",
            "last_url" : "https://api.adcloud.com/v1/reports/advertiser?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>&filter%5Bdate%5D=<FILTER_DATE>&page=232",
            "next_url" : "https://api.adcloud.com/v1/reports/advertiser?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>&filter%5Bdate%5D=<FILTER_DATE>&page=2",
            "prev_url" : null,
            "per_page" : 200,
            "size" : 11955
        "result" : [ <report_data_item>, <report_data_item> ],
        "status" : 200

The specification of the response format is published as a json-schema in our github repository:

A report_data_item consists of the following attributes:

date                                | date                 | Format "YYYY-MM-DD"
website_id                          | int                  | Website identifier
website                             | varchar(255)         | Website Name
topic_id                            | int                  | Topic identifier
topic                               | varchar(255)         | Topic Name (eg Politics, Finance, Gaming)
ad_placement_id                     | int                  | Ad placement identifier
position                            | varchar(255)         | Position within the website
product_id                          | int                  | Product identifier
product                             | varchar(255)         | Product Name
ad_id                               | int                  | Ad identifier
ad                                  | varchar(255)         | Ad Name
booking_id                          | int                  | Booking identifier
booking                             | varchar(255)         | Booking Name
page_type                           | varchar(255)         | Page Type (eg. Editorial Content, Search Engine, etc)
publisher                           | varchar(255)         | Name of the Publisher
language                            | varchar(2)           | ISO 639-1
country                             | varchar(2)           | ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2
currency                            | varchar(3)           | ISO 4217 ALPHA
design_id                           | int                  | Design identifier
design                              | varchar(255)         | Design Name (eg Medium Rectangle, Leaderboard)
ad_position                         | int                  | Position within the ad (eg first, second ad)
ad_count                            | int                  | Number of items within the ad
ad_impressions                      | int                  | Summed up impressions
ad_impressions_costs                | float                | Costs created by impressions
clicks                              | int                  | Summed up clicks
clicks_overdelivered                | int                  | Number of clicks that were overdelivered
clicks_filtered                     | int                  | Number of clicks filterd (eg bot clicks)
clicks_image                        | int                  | Number of clicks on images
clicks_head                         | int                  | Number of clicks on headlines
clicks_txt                          | int                  | Number of clicks on paragraphs
clicks_link                         | int                  | Number of clicks on action links
clicks_costs                        | float                | Costs created by clicks
postclick_conversions               | int                  | Summed up post click conversions
postclick_conversions_overdelivered | int                  | Number of overdelivered post click conversions
postclick_conversions_filtered      | int                  | Number of filtered post click conversions (eg fraud)
postclick_conversions_costs         | float                | Costs created by post clicks conversions
postview_conversions                | int                  | Summed up post view conversions
postview_conversions_overdelivered  | int                  | Number of overdelivered post view conversions
postview_conversions_filtered       | int                  | Number of filtered post view conversions (eg fraud)
postview_conversions_costs          | float                | Costs created by post view conversions
cancellations                       | int                  | Cancelled post click conversions
costs                               | float                | Overall Costs

Collections are always paginated. You can specify the amount of records in the collection with the per_page parameter, for example "&per_page=200". The default is 50 records and the the maximum is 200 records per page. Meta information about the collection is inside the collection attribute of the response. There are urls for navigation (first, last, next and previous pages) and the overall size of the collection.

The report data is grouped by the following tuple:

  • ad_placement_id
  • topic_id
  • booking_id
  • ad_id
  • ad_count
  • ad_position

Status Codes

  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request (Parameters missing or wrong)
  • 401 Unauthorized