
Checks the status of ftp-hosted tar files of input datasets for MOM6-examples

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repository generates tar files of directories within the "datasets" use by MOM6-examples. The data is archived under /archive/gold/datasets and mirrored under /lustre/f1/pdata/gfdl_O/datasets. The Makefile provides a means to both generate the tar files but also download and check the compatibility of tar files hosted under ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/perm/Alistair.Adcroft/MOM6-testing/ .

Create a list of all files that are used by MOM6-examples:

make all_files.lst

The above defines what are needed to run the MOM6-examples configurations.

Create md5 hashes for files grouped by directory:

make md5

Special cases for tar files with updated data:

make ftp/obs.tgz
make ftp/obs.woa13.tgz
make ftp/obs
make ftp/obs.woa13

Download and test data from ftp site:

make test_download

make test_download is equivalent to:

make download
make md5_download
make unpack_download
make test_download

To build new tar files to upload:

make tarfiles

Summarize md5 files:

make hash.md5

Check versions of md5 files:
