
My MOM6 Makefile that does pretty much everything I need

Primary LanguageMakefile

Build Status


This Makefile is not part of MOM6, it is not supported, I do not recommend that anyone use it, and I will not respond to pleas for help regards this Makefile. --The Managment.

This repository provides a "Makefile" that does pretty much everything I need to be able to regards MOM6 (install, build, test).


To obtain Makefile:

git clone git@github.com:adcroft/workspace.git workspace


To clone code and tools (from within the workspace directory):

make clone

or if you are inside GFDL's firewall you can

make clone_dev


To compile all executables (from within the workspace directory):

make gnu -j
make intel -j
make pgi -j

To compile a specific executable (from within the workspace directory):

make MOM6-examples/build/gnu/ocean_only/repro/MOM6

Running (on batch nodes)

From within the workspace directory. To run all experiments with gnu, intel or pgi executables:

make gnu -j
make intel -j
make pgi -j

To run sub-sets of experiments:

make COMPILER=gnu solo -j
make COMPILER=gnu solo ale -j
make COMPILER=gnu sis sis2 -j
make COMPILER=gnu am2_sis am2_sis2 -j

To run a single experiment:

make MOM6-examples/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/ocean.stats.intel

Check status of experiments (from within MOM6-examples):

git status

Working on the GFDL workstations

Obtain the Makefile:

git clone git@github.com:adcroft-gfdl/workspace.git workspace

Clone source code:

make CVS='cvs -d /home/fms/cvs' SITE=linux clone


make SITE=linux FC=mpif77 CC=mpicc LD=mpif77 MPIRUN=mpirun MOM6-examples/build/intel/ocean_only/repro/MOM6

Run (requires the sourcing an "env"):

source MOM6-examples/build/intel/env
make MPIRUN=mpirun MOM6-examples/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/ocean.stats.intel

Compile and run in one step:

source MOM6-examples/build/intel/env
make SITE=linux FC=mpif77 CC=mpicc LD=mpif77 MPIRUN=mpirun MOM6-examples/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/ocean.stats.intel

Compile with openMP: make BUILD_DIR=MOM6-examples/build-OPENMP MAKEMODE="OPENMP=1 NETCDF=3" MOM6-examples/build-OPENMP/intel/ice_ocean_SIS2/repro/MOM6