This Makefile is not part of MOM6, it is not supported, I do not recommend that anyone use it, and I will not respond to pleas for help regards this Makefile. --The Managment.
This repository provides a "Makefile" that does pretty much everything I need to be able to regards MOM6 (install, build, test).
git clone workspace
To clone code and tools (from within the workspace
make clone
or if you are inside GFDL's firewall you can
make clone_dev
To compile all executables (from within the workspace
make gnu -j
make intel -j
make pgi -j
To compile a specific executable (from within the workspace
make MOM6-examples/build/gnu/ocean_only/repro/MOM6
From within the workspace
directory. To run all experiments with gnu, intel or pgi executables:
make gnu -j
make intel -j
make pgi -j
To run sub-sets of experiments:
make COMPILER=gnu solo -j
make COMPILER=gnu solo ale -j
make COMPILER=gnu sis sis2 -j
make COMPILER=gnu am2_sis am2_sis2 -j
To run a single experiment:
make MOM6-examples/ocean_only/global_ALE/z/
Check status of experiments (from within MOM6-examples
git status
Obtain the Makefile:
git clone workspace
Clone source code:
make CVS='cvs -d /home/fms/cvs' SITE=linux clone
make SITE=linux FC=mpif77 CC=mpicc LD=mpif77 MPIRUN=mpirun MOM6-examples/build/intel/ocean_only/repro/MOM6
Run (requires the sourcing an "env"):
source MOM6-examples/build/intel/env
make MPIRUN=mpirun MOM6-examples/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/
Compile and run in one step:
source MOM6-examples/build/intel/env
make SITE=linux FC=mpif77 CC=mpicc LD=mpif77 MPIRUN=mpirun MOM6-examples/ocean_only/CVmix_SCM_tests/wind_only/EPBL/
Compile with openMP: make BUILD_DIR=MOM6-examples/build-OPENMP MAKEMODE="OPENMP=1 NETCDF=3" MOM6-examples/build-OPENMP/intel/ice_ocean_SIS2/repro/MOM6