
Primary LanguageCoqGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Hazel - A Separation Logic for Effect Handlers

This repository contains the Coq formalization of the following papers:


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Alternatively, you can install the packages by yourself according to their versions as listed in the file opam.

Repository Structure



Program Logic

Case studies

  • case_studies/iteration.v: Introduction of tools to specify iteration in the presence of effects. Specification of higher-order iteration methods and lazy sequences.
  • case_studies/callcc.v: Implementation of callcc and throw using multi-shot continuations; statement and proof of reasoning rules for this encoding; and verification of programs exploiting callcc/throw, including Delbianco and Nanevski's inc3 and Filinski's shift/reset.
  • case_studies/control_inversion.v: Verification of two implementations of invert: a function that transforms iteration methods into lazy sequences. The first implementation is based on effect handlers and the second one is based on callcc.
  • case_studies/shallow_as_deep.v: Verification of the encoding of shallow handlers using deep handlers.
  • case_studies/exceptions.v: Verification of the encoding of exceptions using effect handlers.
  • case_studies/state.v: Verification of the implementation of a mutable cell using effect handlers in state-passing style.
  • case_studies/shift_reset.v: Reasoning rules for an effect-handler--based encoding of shift and reset.
  • case_studies/asynchronous_computation.v: Verification of a library for asynchronous computation.
  • case_studies/automatic_differentiation.v: Verification of a minimalist reverse-mode automatic differentiation library.