
ADAPTABLES card is a library for angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript


ADAPTABLES card is a library for angular

See demo

Example code

Getting Started

To get started, let's install the package through npm:

Choose the version corresponding to your Angular version:

Angular @addapptables/card
8 2.x
7 1.x
npm i @addapptables/card --S

Install peer dependencies

npm i
@angular/cdk --S

How to use

  • Import the module CardModule
import { CardModule } from '@addapptables/card';
  imports: [CardModule]
export class YourModule { }

simple card

        <mat-icon matSuffix>horizontal_split</mat-icon>
        <span>Simple card</span>
    // custom component

Oval card

        <mat-icon matSuffix>horizontal_split</mat-icon>
        <span>Oval card</span>
    // custom component
  • Finaly, it is important to import the styles to the application
@import '~@addapptables/core/addapptables-grid.theme';
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@import '~@addapptables/card/addapptables-card.theme';

$addapptable-app-primary: mat-palette($mat-teal, 800);
$addapptable-app-accent:  mat-palette($mat-pink, 800, A100, 100);
$addapptable-app-warn: mat-palette($mat-red);
$addapptable-app-theme: mat-light-theme($addapptable-app-primary, $addapptable-app-accent, $addapptable-app-warn);
$addapptable-theme-variables: (
    text: white,
    border-radius: 5px,
    color-blue: #20a9d2,
    color-success: #5cb85c,
    color-info: #5bc0de,
    color-warning: #e09d3d,
    color-danger: #d43934,
    gray-color: #696868
@include mat-core();
body.theme-default {
    @include angular-material-theme($addapptable-app-theme);
    @include addapptable-card($addapptable-app-theme, $addapptable-theme-variables);
  • Do not forget to put the theme-default class in the html body
<body class="theme-default"></body>