A simple shortlink server inspired by CS 61A Link Server. It's written in Elixir with Phoenix.
Tests are in progress.
- Create a spreadsheet on Google Drive.
- Use the first column as shortlink and second as link. The first row in the spreadsheet will not be used (title row).
- Use public sharing for the spreadsheet.
- Copy the spreadsheet key as well as the sheet names. The relevant url is
- Create a
with the following contents:
config :links,
default_site: "YOUR_DEFAULT_SITE",
spreadsheet_key: "YOUR_GOOGLE_SHEET_KEY",
sheet_names: ["sheet", "names", "you", "need"]
- Clone and build the elixir app.
- Get dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Build:
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --overwrite
- Run:
PORT=80 -e SECRET_KEY_BASE="$(mix phx.gen.secret)" _build/prod/rel/links_web/bin/links_web start