
Part of the aircrack-ng (experimental version) for the WiFi Pineapples, with custom scripts.

Primary LanguageC


Part of the aircrack-ng (experimental version) for the WiFi Pineapples, with custom scripts.
For OpenWRT 19.07 (Pineapple firmware > 2.6)

besside-ng 1.6 - (C) 2019 Andreas Nilsen Modified for WiFi Pineapple + 5GHz Support (autochannel detection) + WEP only + custom IV num http://www.aircrack-ng.org - https://github.com/adde88

Usage: ./besside-ng [options]


   -b <victim mac> : Victim BSSID
   -R <victim ap regex> : Victim ESSID regex
   -s <WPA server> : Upload wpa.cap for cracking
   -c       <chan> : chanlock
   -p       <pps>  : flood rate
   -W              : WPA only
   -w              : WEP only
   -v              : verbose, -vv for more, etc.
   -h              : This help screen
   -w              : WEP only
   -C	 <num>	: Start WEP cracking at <num> IV's
   		        : Default is 5000 <num> IV's