
Default stack for developing static HTML templates.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Dev stack

Default stack for developing static HTML templates.

Stack uses following modules:

  • Gulp.js - automation tool
  • Browsersync - creating of local server
  • Twig - templating system for HTML
  • SASS - precompiler for CSS
  • Babel - for possibility to use modern features in JS
  • Imagemin - partial optimalization of images
  • Svgstore - creating SVG map + svgforeverybody polyfill

Project structure:

├── \_materials
├── dev                     # Development files visible on local server
├── gulpfile.js
├── node_modules
├── prod                    # Production/stage compiles files
├── src
│   ├── html                # Twig reusable components
│   ├── icons               # Only svg icons
│   ├── img                 
│   ├── js                  
│   ├── other               # Materials like videos, fonts, favicons etd.
│   ├── sass                
│   └── index.twig          # In root of `src` folder should be all templates
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── example.config.json     # Default project setting - should be duplicated to `config.json`
├── LICENSE.md
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── README.md



  • Node.js
  • Gulp.js

Command for installation: npm install

Default setting

  1. Duplicate example.config.json
  2. Rename it to config.json
  3. Create a set up in config.json


Recommendation: Use npm run [-task] rather than gulp [-task].

Development version

Following task creates a server on https://localhost:8000, where you can see real time changes you make in /src directory. While task is running, /src is compiled to /dev.

Task to run:

npm run default or gulp default

Stage version

You should have created remote server & access data for server saved in config.json.

Next task creates stage version for all templates & make a deploy on hosting for testing reasons.

Task to run:

npm run stage or gulp production --env=stage

Make an update of JS & CSS files & make a deploy on hosting for testing reasons.

Task to run:

npm run stage-update or gulp productionUpdate --env=stage

Create stage version in /prod directory.

Task to run:

npm run stage-export or gulp productionExport --env=stage

Production version

You should have created remote server & access data for server saved in config.json.

Next task creates production version for all templates & make a deploy on hosting.

Task to run:

npm run prod or gulp production --env=production

Make an update of JS & CSS files & make a deploy on hosting.

Task to run:

npm run prod-update or gulp productionUpdate --env=production

Create production version in /prod directory.

Task to run:

npm run prod-export or gulp productionExport --env=production

TODO default

  • add config
  • deploy
  • add https://standardjs.com/index.html & jslint?
  • stage version
  • work with enviroment variable
  • basic documentation
  • posibility to concate files CSS & JS to one (http 1.0)
  • posibility to separate files CSS & JS (http 2.0)
  • autoloading plugins to templates
  • work with images as in wordpress?!
  • tasks optimalized for slim framework & wordpress (plan)
  • make automated creating of .scss files according to classes - prefixes (b-, p-, c-, s-, u-)

TODO plugins

  • swiper
  • inpage scroll
  • menu fix
  • popup
  • gallery
  • add basic styles for some components
  • video snippet
  • lazy loading
  • forms, API request